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Friday Update for 3-13-2020

Hello Everyone-

This picture is a sign that I had made about a year ago for a Women's ministry I am apart of and I love it. At the time of decorating the building this hangs in I felt God just said to have a sign made saying I did. I love how simple it is....He is near. He is not distant, not looking away, not giving up and certainly wont ever leave any of us... and so we all continue on trusting that He IS NEAR!

Tonight many were thankful that we came down because they figured we wouldn't be. We took the precautions of sanitizer and no holding hands while we prayed and we trusted God with the rest. The Greek Ladies made the best homemade lasagna I have ever had to have been at least 4 layers high!! They also provided Zianos Italian Eatery Bread-sticks, salad, and lots of treats... I might have had more than one brownie! Thank you Greek Ladies for your willingness to serve those around us even in the midst of all the craziness!!

One of the many beautiful things of serving others is seeing those who you serve- to them helping serve with you. A friend of ours surprised us at the first stop saying he was there to help us. To see our friend come from deep depression, the desire to not want to live for many years, to now being so focused on God and his recovery blesses all of us so much.

Talked with one friend who we haven't seen in awhile and he is facing a heart surgery in April. He was actually upbeat about it, thankful to be alive and hes now indoors. Also talked with a dear friend who buried his Father-- both parents have now passed on for him. He shared how that he knows his Father is in a better place, but that it is hard. He also had the courage to share how he wanted to relapse.....but he didn't. He was so proud of the work God is doing in his life and we are proud that he is ALLOWING the work to go on. Hes a quiet man and yet his smile lights up a room!! Pray for him as he processes this loss.

We also heard that the library will be closed for a month as this virus circles around. For our friends this will be difficult as the library is a place for them to be at when its rainy etc. We understand the need for precaution and we fully support it. However we also know how this will affect them differently than most. For those who come to church with us, this week is canceled and many are saddened because they love their church. Again we and them are in full support of caution, but its also amazing to see people loving their church.

It's a beautiful thing to see that the Lord is near to all of us. He is near when we are blowing it, near when we are rebellious on purpose, near when we tune Him out....and He will remain near.Pray for those who feel scared, who may even wonder where God is at in all of this. Pray that US as Gods hands and feet are willing to show others that God is faithful and we are never alone. Pray that you and I and others can find opportunities in this situation to not panic, but rather reach out to those around us.... God says he uses all things for lets be the good!

Thank you to our church Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Mjs Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness, Sarah Lapadot, Mark and Lynn Stebing, Nicole Nelson, Michael, Christina, Kathryn, the whole Greek ladies team...( They always make sure I get a plate of food and I love that!), Lance, and all who make each week happen---WE LOVE YOU!!


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