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Blessed Portion Friday Update 10-7-22

Hello Everyone,

Tonight, we had homemade pasta made by 13 Step House along with salad, cookies, and bread. Again, like always we had enough to go around for our fairly large crowd. The weather was a little cold and windy and several were asking for hand warmers, and we had some thanks to you.

Met a few people tonight and it's bittersweet. You are happy to meet new people but know the conditions you're meeting them under are not good. The same goes for people you haven’t seen in a while and then suddenly do…. That means there has been some trouble in their life, and they are back to where they can get some much-needed services. Like an old friend, we saw tonight. He mentioned he is back needing services and while we are happy he is getting the help he needs, it's still sad.

Tonight was a pretty uneventful night which is always good. One good news we heard was how a man had a major heart attack and was pronounced dead…..but lived!!! Amazing right? A complete miracle for sure. We also heard a lot of bad news. Things that people are going through. We talked about how no matter what we are going through as long as we are living, we can choose to do good every day. It's hard at times when life seems to be relentless in the trial category, but with God's help, we can make a difference in at least one person’s life.

We had several people needing some x -large to 2x coats so if you have any in a closet, we could use them as the cold weather is quickly approaching. We need men's jeans, hoodies, sweatshirts, boots, gloves, and large thick black trash bags as well.

Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Todd Plimpton, Jacquie Aldrich, Michael Jordan, The 13th Step House, Rochelle Wilson, and everyone who donates to us and most importantly prays..THANKYOU!!


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