Men’s Clothing, Men’s Shoes, Men’s Boots, Socks, Men’s underwear, jackets
Sleeping bags, Blankets, Big thick black trash bags, tarps, tents
Toiletries/Health Items:
Toilet paper, Baby wipes, Hygiene items, Cough Drops, Chap Stick, finger nail clippers, comb, brushes, razors, shaving creams, bug spray, poison ivy medicine, advil, Tylenol,
Pop-top canned goods, Water, individually wrapped snacks (pop tarts, cookies, crackers, soft granola bars, etc), Instant coffee, Low dollar food gift cards, fresh fruit,
Christian devotionals, Bibles, word search books, crossword puzzle books, history books or magazines
Batteries of all sizes, Fort Wayne Bus passes , Small radios, Reading glasses, Small Flashlights, Candles, Adult sized book bags, Gift certificates to thrift stores or grocery stores to help buy what we don't get donated, 7x7 tents, thick comforters, sternos, THICK black trash bags, candles, Bibles, NA books, AA Books, men's watches, men's wallets, ponchos, book bags, toilet paper, brown or camo colored tarps, 5.00 fast food gift cards, all day bus passes.