The Blessed Portion Friday Update
Hello Everyone:
Thanks to Salvatories restaurant we had two pans of food to give out to the big crowd tonight! Thankfully we had just enough with the snack bags we passed out!! It’s so amazing how God provides each week----
As you can see from the picture, we had our little friends show up and they are a treat to be around. One of them fell running and as most moms know, band aids fix everything!! So, we loaded him up and I think it worked—he was better and wanted to take pictures! Thankfully Rochelle also brought some sidewalk chalk and the littles wanted to draw houses- so we did.
Also, a fyi these kids are not homeless- they have a place -their mom just likes to come down and say hi and for that we are happy we get to see them. Little ones always bring joy and laughter.
Did hear some hard news tonight from a friend- he said his cancer is progressing aggressively and he needs prayers. You never know what a person is going through and that’s why it’s so important to be kind!! So many of our friends are going through more than being homeless—they are experiencing health, family and relationship issues and couple that with being homeless is a dark place to be in. As we have stated many times- we are not there just to help people get a job, or housing but we are there relationally first. We are there to help in whatever way we can and usually each week it looks different and that is ok.
I have learned so much from my friends downtown over the years and I can say they are so dear to me and Tommy. Even tonight we heard our friend Curtis passed away. He had a stroke and never recovered, and we didn’t know it. Curtis has the biggest contagious smile you have ever seen. He was funny and kind and most of all, a gentle soul. He didn’t complain too much about his life but was determined to just make the present day he was in be as good as it could and helped many people as they transitioned to being on the street. He is missed deeply but not forgotten. It serves as a reminder to not take the people in your life for granted because you don’t know when or if you will see them again. Keep short accounts, be kind, a good listener, not judgmental. Meet them where they are and above all else show them love!!
