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Friday Update

Hello Everyone, this has probably been one of the strangest times since Gina and I started this Ministry 11 years ago. Gina and I have been ill the past 2 weeks knowing that heading downtown would be very tough on us physically and would set up back a step or two if we were out in the elements for long periods of time. The good news is we are on our way back to 100 percent. I would like to put out a special thank you to Todd Plimpton and Michael Jordan for stepping up and taking care our Friday evenings the past several Fridays.

This past Friday I made it downtown to see our friends with being about 80% back to normal with Gina still staying back - Traci White and the Hallmark Mortgage Team served a wonderful meal of spaghetti and meatballs, breadsticks, a great salad loaded with everything and cookies. So very thankful for our friends who love to serve each and every Friday. I believe it was about 17 degrees Friday evening but we still had many of our regular friends who decided to show up even in the cold. Heck, we even had Jim walk the normal 5 miles to make it downtown and have dinner with us as well. Friday evening we had some good conversations with a few of our friends, one particular friend who showed up - which we have not seen in about 2 years or so came downtown to visit and to say hello and to catch up a bit. His name is Denver and boy he looks great and has some promising things ahead of him with a possible great new job on the horizon........ ! Sure hope that happens for him as he seemed very upbeat about the possibility of getting the job which would bring full benefits and paid vacations. Sure is great when one of our friends brings some good news along with them even if it is 17 degrees outside. Most of the evening was playing catch-up with everyone since Gina and I have been out for the past 2 weeks and it sure was great to see everyone - and cannot wait to we have that break in the weather and the crowd of friends get bigger.... Gina and I would like to thank everyone who comes along side of us and supports our ministry. Special and grateful thanks to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, and MJS Apparel. My apologies in advance for a shorter post this evening - still on the " Mend" so to speak. Gina and I are hoping for a good bounce back this week to 100% so we can get back to normal. Always give thanks and keep Jesus very close as we walk through these Crazy Days. Talk again soon and everyone have a wonderful week !



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