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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Update 6-7-19

"When I was in control...... I was out of control."

Hello Everyone, Big thanks to Vicki Holman and her hubby, family and friends for bringing sloppy joes, chips, desserts and their big hearts!! We had plenty of food and was able to leave some with The Rescue Mission as well so thank you so much guys we love you!!

Thankfully Lisa Scheer found a double stroller and we were able to give it to Lindsey Renee Elliott for her two boys. This will make life a little more easier for her. Also thanks to Sherry Myers for the regular stroller as we were able to give that one to another mom downtown. Lots of little ones tonight and again for us moms who love that baby stage we got our fill!!!! There were plenty of faces tonight some new and some old friends. Thankfully we had plenty of blankets as that seemed to be the biggest need besides socks.

We were happy to see Michael Maiville and his new bride tonight. To see someone who once was in need come to serve others in need is a big blessing. He and his bride are so special to us and were glad to have some new team members!! He is the one who said the above quote tonight. We talked about if any of us feel like were just "Existing" and many raised their hands. Sometimes I think we all can feel that way based on different periods of our life we go through and its not a good feeling for sure. Tonight we took the first step by acknowledging who felt that way and then gave God permission to come in and do His work. I hope we never lose sight of how wonderful it is when people choose to give God the opportunity to work in their lives. Like Michael said when we are in control of our lives we really are out of control-- and that is not a good thing.

Tonight was a blessing as we met with so many friends and caught up with some we haven't seen in awhile. Also at the end of the night we went to where one friend sleeps, because we didn't see him out and about. We wanted to check on him and bring him a plate of food. He was thankful for the food and as always touches our heart.

So tonight was a good night. We had the opportunity to see many who are no longer without a home, but just come and visit with us which we love. Saw some who needed to come back and get back on track with their recovery and that is good also. Met some new people and hope to be able to encourage them as well.

Thank you everyone for all you donate for us. With the numbers increasing in the summer we will need more items. Please consider cleaning out your closets and donating some clothes. We are a non for profit ministry so if you need a tax receipt we can give you one. If you want to donate financially you can by mailing to The Blessed Portion Ministries P.O.Box 188 Garrett Indiana 46738. Or you can donate through our website page at Thank you everyone because we surely cant do this alone!!! God bless!


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