9-6-19 Update
Blessed Portion Update 9-6-19
Hello Everyone,
Tonight was perfect weather again even with a little rain! Rod and Jennifer Laux and their team from St. Joe Church brought sloppy joes, chips, potato salad, cookies and water!! We had plenty of food, enough that we were able to bless 13th Step House with a roaster for those who stay there- so a win win!!
Most items needed tonight were sweatshirts and hoodies so please keep us in mind if your cleaning out your closets. It is starting to cool down in the evenings so staying warm is key!! Also need a 2x women's coat for a woman who is outside- so if anyone has one please let us know. A cool moment was when our friend Jim was face-timing one of our volunteers that he hadn't seen in awhile--I herd him say "Oh, there's my face at the top of the screen!!" Again things that we all know are to some completely foreign. So it was good to see him experiencing something fun!!
Also had a man come up to me and share his story about what happened earlier in the evening. He said that during chapel service he listened to the service and felt he needed to fully repent of things he has engaged in. He said that full repentance is the absolute first place to start. He listed off one by one things he wanted forgiveness for and then said he felt such a power come over him. He felt the Holy Spirit wash over him and that had him smiling ear to ear!!1 He was so happy to share his story of how God touched him tonight!!! Don't you just love those stories? Another story is that a man who in a time of desperation asked the enemy to help him and if he did he would serve him. He explained how he has since asked Jesus to come into his heart and while he is still struggling with some things he is hopeful for the future of what God will do--and so we pray for him!!
So tonight was a good night, good weather, great friends and thankful for those we get to see each week. Thankful for the stories of how God is working in peoples lives spiritually and tangibly. Thankful for those who serve with us in MANY ways and most of all how much God allows us to do for Him!!
The picture and video with this post is a carousel our friend Johnny made by hand! He has come a long way from when we first met him. He now has a full time job helping others and it is so wonderful to see what God is doing in his life. If you would want a carousel they are between 50.00 and 75.00 depending if you want it painted or not and how big you would like it to be....this one is a large.

Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit, Hamilton Church of Christ, St. Joe Church, Jennifer Laux, Rod Laux and their whole crew, Lori Williams, Char Williams, Olivia Ghent, Jacquie Aldrich, Scott Wright, Kim Ted Shook, Christina Scheiber, and everyone who helps make each week happen--seriously thank you!!!