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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Night Update 6-14-19

Hello Everyone,

Again we had perfect weather.... and lots of food thanks to Adrienne Clarkand her team from Brunswick Fort Wayne Operations---thank you for serving so many and willing to do it at such short notice!!!

Tonight there was SO many people out and about and we were blessed to have so many conversations with those we just met, those we love and God is good don't you think? Talked with a friend who we have known for a few weeks and listened as he shared how much he misses his brother who passed away within the last year. He was able to share a picture he has of the two of them together and he smiled. For him its like groundhog day every day. He wakes up wishing he could see and hug his best friend and he cant. He starts the day with hurt, anger, frustration and just a sense of being lost. Thankfully though tonight he was willing to let God in his heart and life and give Him a chance to start the healing process. It's going to be a LONG road for sure but he is searching for some hope, purpose and belonging once again - Oh how we love that we GET to be a part of so many lives each week.

Was also able to see my lady friend who we share a connection with Dallas with. She is always smiling, positive and yet she has so little, but her heart is soft and tender!! Was able to hear that a couple we know is getting married in July which is great news!! Also heard the same news with another gentlemen that he is getting married soon as well!! I guess Love is in the air!!

Sadly found out that a longtime friend has cancer. He has been a friend since we first started and we care a lot about him. He was obviously shaken up a little and yet had his Bible in his hand and you could tell there was a little bit of peace within him. He is not the only one with health issues so many prayers are needed for so many.

Tonight Eric Dunaway shared about being a good dad and what that look like. Love the simplicity of it.....he said to love God with all your heart and soul. That when you do that you will treat your children, your spouse and others the way God would want you to. Many fathers tonight are struggling with the relationship with their kids, some have no father figure in their lives and many because they didn't have a good example of what a loving father should be their relationship with Christ is not what it needs to be. So please pray for all those we serve. There are SO many dynamics and it is truly like a HUGE onion. Layer upon layer of hurts, trauma, abuse, insecurities, unforgiveness etc and yet we know that God is a healer and a comforter to the sad, lonely, hurting and brokenhearted!!

Lastly at the end of the evening we made our rounds and saw our sweet lady friend who is asking for a air freshener for her tent, and some body spray so she can drown out the smells of being outside she said. I'm pretty sure we can meet that need. It though again reminds us of the simple things that can make such a big difference. As we prayed with her she asked that God would show her the silver lining to what she is going through....and we know He will show her what it is she needs to know.

Then we met with two friends who apparently have this running joke that "Gina will come and wake us up bringing food" and I do!! So we sat on the concrete and visited with our friends. Talked about Pandas which is Amanda Amanda Chapman Dunaways favorite animal. We also talked about basketball, Steph Curry, Larry Bird, Lebron, and sadly there was no love for The Seattle Seahawks --which totally shredded my heart :(. Amanda was able to get a homemade panda thing from one of our friends who make them and that seemed to make her happy--maybe she will post a picture (hint-hint)

So another wonderful night and had enough clothing thanks to all of you. Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Jacquie Aldrich, Kristy L. Stemen, Olivia Ghent, Adrienne Clark and her team, Eric and Amanda Chapman Dunaway, Scott Wright,Renee Eich- Curneal, Deb Diller, Cherrilyn Thomas, Randy Thomas, Trinity English Church, Rochelle Bloomfield-Wilson, Toby Hendrickson, and everyone who again donates financially, tangibly and who prays for us and those we serve. Thank you also to our volunteers each week who come and our out thier hearts of love over and over again. We have such a beautiful team of Jesus followers and that is something we never take for granted!!!

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