friday update
Blessed Portion Friday Night Update 3-15-19
Hello Everyone,
Tonight on the drive home my mind was all in a uproar as I thought about 3 things that happened tonight....all different and hard.
First thing was Lisa Scharr her friend David and I were able to help one friend move some furniture to his NEW place!! The Greek ladies (Jackie Mangas and her crew) donated lots of cleaning supplies, and David and Lisa brought a queen size bed with frame, little table, pots and pans, dresser and mirror!!! So happy for our friend who for the first time in 21 years is on his own and is free is so many ways. He has worked hard to get where he is. He's a blessing and a strong testimony to what never giving up looks like!!! So that was a fabulous way to start the night.
All our stops went well and we had plenty of food thanks to Hallmark Mortgage... Tracy White and her crew fed the masses literally last night. Thank you so much for all you do!!!
The photo in this picture is a gray blanket (I'm not good at phones and pictures so excuse the bright light in the middle of it) Anyways went to one stop towards the end of the night and one of our friends was hungry and cold. He's a quiet soft spoken man and melts my heart. Anyways when we asked what we could give him he asked if we had a blanket and we did. So Lisa, Amanda Chapman Dunaway, and myself went into mom mode having him get up so we could provide a little better cushion to sleep on because he said the ground was cold. Got him all fixed up, warm and left a couple meals as he was hungry. As we started to leave we saw a journal book on the ground. As I picked it up and opened it I saw a list of things that were desired. I asked him if it was his and he said yes. He didn't mind that I looked at it and we talked about a few of them. The ones that brought me to tears were that.... he wrote he wanted a blanket, wanted a hug, and wanted a friend...and he got all 3 and this is one of the blankets he got. I shared with him that this blanket was a homemade quilt made just for him...and he just smiled. Needless to say I walked away as others did and thought "Oh, God please help our friend and help me to always be kind and think about the little things." He didn't ask for money ....just a blanket. I pray I can slow down more and think in all moments more compassionate and kinder.
Last thing was a old friend who our whole team considers family. He is slowly coming out of a funk he has been in. He's no longer in a house where he was and is struggling to stay in a shelter. He is not able to work right now as he is like I said coming out of a funk....and so he is back outside. Last night he came down to serve with us as he always does. At the end of the night as I pulled away from our last stop I saw him in my rear view mirror. He was tired looking, depressed, at a loss of what to do and I felt completely helpless and sad myself. I wish I could bring him home with me because he is one we trust completely and so badly want to see make it.
So driving home I was happy for our friend who is getting a fresh start after 21 years and thankful for our team who so quickly gave of their time to move things in for him. Sad for my friend who I knew was sleeping in a cold, wet dark place surrounded buy the biggest possum anyone has ever seen and yet he smiled through it all and said he would see us next week. Then thought of our friend who I felt as I said helpless. Ugh.... a lot of emotions for not just me, but our whole team and I'm thankful God doesn't sleep. I'm thankful He is awake 24-7 to watch over those He created and thankful in some small way we could show Gods love to others. This ministry is fully about sharing the love of Jesus Christ and letting people know God will not ever give up on them. Yes people are going 5 steps ahead and sometimes 20 steps back....and we will be there for all of it. God has never given up on me when I clearly gave Him many reasons to be disappointed, mad, throw His hands up and say forget you and He didn't and He hasn't for you as well. So we continue to love and again love.
Thankyou for always supporting what we do and know it does make a difference. Many times Tommy and I say we wouldn't be doing this every Friday for over 7 years if we didn't see good things!!! Please pray for those we serve. Pray for those who come to church each week, and pray most of all that those who need the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ will accept it!!