friday update 11-23-18
Blessed Portion Friday Update 11-23-18
Hello Everyone,
Amber Gaskill, Mandy Capp and their entire crew made a nice post Thanksgiving meal. We had turkey and noodles, lots of pies and deserts, potatoes and rolls........enough to feed a army and we had the exact amount we needed. Thank you Amber Gaskill and your friends for preparing a nice, yummy hot meal for everyone.
The main item asked for tonight was blankets, sleeping bags, gloves and hats- and thankfully we had just the right amount available. We ran a little low on thermals but hoping to add more to the bins as the weather will continue to get colder.
Was given a couple of HUGE balls from Dollar General when the clerk found out why I was purchasing so many cough drops and gloves. So tonight two little kids were pretty happy seeing those balls...nothing like little kids to melt your heart. The good news for this family is that they have been given some assistance for housing and she has about 3 weeks to find a place. Thankfully someone tonight mentioned where a possibility could be at that accepts Bright point so were hopeful there will be some good news Monday for all of them.
Also heard how a friend is getting out of a cold tent outside to possibly moving in with a friend and sharing expenses. Both ladies have worked pretty hard on their recovery and its nice to see them realizing they deserve more for themselves. If they get this apartment they could sure use some help on items because all they have is their we will keep everyone posted.
Then we heard some even more amazing news from a friend. He mentioned how that he is going to be able to see his son for his birthday. A person he knows offered to drive him to have the day with his son! How amazing is that? I love to see how God works and is so concerned with the details of our lives. Another friend shared how he is still in contact with his little boy....this friends face lights up each time he talks about his son...and our friend is working, is clean and sober and a great guy.
Seems there is a lot of restoration that needs to take place and its not just with our friends. Seems we all have areas where there needs to be restoration, healing, and faith to move forward. Also there needs to be belief and trust in God that He knows what He is doing. Tonight we talked about Luke 5 and how Jesus asked Simon to push his boat out deep into the water and to throw his net out for fish. Simon had been fishing all night and so when Jesus asked this, Simon spoke up right away saying that he had been fishing all night and didn't catch a thing...but then said "But at your word I will let down the nets" and when he did there was so many fish that his boat started to sink and he needed another boat to help carry in the catch. So we shared that story and hopefully encouraged people to keep listening to God and what He is asking of us. That even when we have tried something over and over again to yet do it again because that is what God is asking us to do...and when it works out God gets all the glory because we know at those moments we couldn't have done it in of ourselves. Sometimes throwing down the net in the deep involves forgiveness...again and again. Sometimes it means going for recovery even though the many times before it didn't seem to work. Maybe it means for many to let go of anger, rage, bitterness, hate, pride, self reliance and leave it at the foot of the cross. The best part is when Jesus asks us to do something we cannot fail at it because He is the one who will make it we really have nothing to lose...except our own pride!
So tonight was a good night and seeing our friends I believe is so needed for our team...many times I think God has put them in our lives to reshape our thinking and I'm thankful or team is willing to be challenged and that they love others so well.
Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Mark and Ellie Chamberlin Eric and Amanda Chapman Dunaway, Jacquie Aldrich, Lori Williams, Amber Gaskill, Kim Ted Shook, Christina Scheiber, Michael Jordan, Wible Realty for their donation to us a few weeks ago, Michelle Cole Snyder, Andrew Jagoda, Mandy Capp, Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Mjs Apparel, Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing, Jennifer Laux, Auburn Massage and Wellness, and to everyone who keeps our bins full THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reminder please continue to be looking at our Christmas bag list for our friends. We need all items no later than the 17 of December. Have a great weekend everyone.