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friday update

Friday Night Update 7-20-18

Romans 2:4 "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that Gods kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?"

Hello Everyone,

Tonight was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!Thanks to Hallmark Mortgage Company-- Tracy White, Maria and the rest for bringing hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, cookies, watermelon, drinks---we had more than enough food - so much so that we were able to leave some at a nearby shelter and deliver some food to a friend who is in a hotel!!!

It rained for the most of the evening tonight and so we gave out several blankets, sleeping bags, lots of socks, several umbrellas and ponchos!! Didn't see as many as we normally do, but those who came out we loved seeing. At The Old Navy Club which is our first stop we had a old friend come up and so gently ask for a blanket when we had time. He seemed different then he normally is and when we asked him later what was going on he shared how he found out he has pancreatic cancer. He through tears shared how he stayed alive in prison, has stayed alive on the streets for several years and now THIS!! He clearly was rattled as anyone would be given that news and so we prayed for him. He said that he wanted to give up but after talking with us said he will move in with a family member and go back to the doctor and hear what they recommend him to do for treatment. So he left us tonight with a book bag, two blankets, and some needed items and hopefully he will next week be inside.

From there we went to The Rescue Mission and as always are so thankful for the opportunity to go there and see our friends. There were new faces tonight and many familiar faces as well. We LOVE going there and catching up with so many. Tonight was also extra amazing because after we ate together we had our time of prayer and many raised their hands in regards to the question of if they died tonight who wouldn't know for sure if they would be in heaven? We shared the verse above that IF we take a few minutes to really think of the good things God has done for us, how He has answered prayers, or even how certain situations could have been much worse without His help that we would instantly see and understand how He loves us...which would hopefully then lead to us humbling ourselves and surrendering all over to Him.

So the question was asked as to how many were not sure they would go to Heaven and then we prayed! There are for me a few powerful sounds that bring me to is the sound of Bible pages being turned in a church service and the other sound is prayer! It is something powerful when you hear 30 men and women praying out loud in unison to Jesus Christ. To hear people making that decision outloud to accept Christ and laying it all down at the foot of the cross!! Truly was a BEAUTIFUL sound and again we are blessed to have been there!! So around 10 people made that decision and you know there was a party going on in Heaven at that moment!! One friend there who has a seat in my van each week for church also decided that he was going to get baptized this August. He talked about how he is getting his life back on track and baptism is the next step...and let me tell you that will be a wonderful sight to see!!

After there we went to 3 more place that are our usual stops and in the distance of a cold dark night we met a new lady. She was at first letting us know that she DID NOT know us..(I think that was to kinda tell us to leave) but we told her we had some food and items if she needed them.. and then we met. She was thankful for a few basic items...socks, a blanket and sleeping bag (she was sleeping on a plastic bag with her shirt on top of the bag) so we fixed that asap. We gave her some snack bags, candle, hygiene kit and her favorite item was a pair of finger nail clippers!! She is new to town and is job searching and has something lined up as far as a job so we are working on getting her a bike. We didn't want to overwhelm her too much so we left shortly after we met and prayed with her...

So tonight was raining and nasty out, but as far as Gods kingdom goes there are some new Christ followers. God is good isn't He? He takes us where were at...with all our junk and messiness and says He loves us anyways. Being on the streets of Fort Wayne and in some shelters each Friday night is a mission field for sure and many need to know the powerful God we serve. Many though need to know that our powerful God accepts them RIGHT NOW....and WHERE EVER they are at period!! Its after we know Him and live for him that He cleans us up on the way and I find comfort in that.

So all were fed, many were clothed, all are loved by us and Jesus and were thankful to be about Gods business. We all are called to something and for us we are called to those we serve each week and God is on the move for sure!! Thank you for all of you who give items each week....truly its a blessing. I see so many people maybe just needing one small item and they are so grateful and they know God has met their need!! Please pray for us, pray we continue to have people who want to serve with us. Pray that our bins are always full. Pray that we continue to have willing people to drive on Sunday because we are running out of room and we never want to leave anyone behind. Pray also that those we serve would be protected, would find healing and restoration and that they would give God the chance to show up in their lives and hearts!!!

Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton church of Christ, Christina Scheiber, Michael Jordan, Lisa Gratz, Kim Ted Shook, Sasha Gravante, Toby, Auburn Massage and Wellness, Sarah Lapadot, Mjs Apparel, Mark Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Stebing,Jacquie Aldrich Jo Anne 'Habegger' Emerick, Sharon Ringenberg, Kelly Schling 

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