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Friday Update For 6-26-2020

Hello Everyone:

As we headed downtown tonight we saw a friend of ours laying against a parking meter and a couple trying to help him. When we pulled over to help this couple said they were driving by and saw him collapse, and our friend was pretty banged up and a lot of blood. I think the couple was thankful someone who knew our friend showed up to help them know what to do. They wanted to take him to the hospital, but our friend didn't want to go as his injuries were not bad enough. So we got some bandages (a lot of bandaids) and got him fixed up. This couple offered to take him to his hotel and our friend accepted the offer.

What is so amazing is that this couple STOPPED and offered help. They didn't know his situation and yet they still stopped. Once we reassured them that our friend was a good guy and they would be safe to take him home they left with him. The lady before leaving though handed us a donation once she knew what ministry we were a part off and they took him home. So thankful for their willingness to help!!

Another great story is a friend of ours said he had good news (we always ask if anyone has good news to share before we start the prayer) and wanted to know if I could read a note that was lying by where he was sleeping. He said that he was too emotional to read it. The note said it looked like he needed some help and she wanted him to know there is good things that happen and she wanted to encourage him. Again so amazing that someone stopped and took time to encourage someone who was in need. I'm sure he will keep that note for a long time...the note was signed by a lady named Lauren. So Lauren if your reading this by chance know that you really touched our friends life!!

Tonight Granite Ridge Builders, Kathy Coughlin Hartman and her team brought Jimmy John sandwiches, bananas, chips, and sweets and we had exactly the right amount!! Thank you so much for feeding everyone tonight!!! We also gave out a lot of blankets, sleeping bags, shoes, socks, and clothes....big night for everyone needing some items. So thank you everyone for always thinking of us and those we serve. This week think of a way you can randomly help someone out and be a bright spot in their day--sure makes a difference.


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