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Friday Update for 3-27-2020

Hello Everyone,

Big thanks to Granite Ridge's team--- Kathy Coughlin Hartman, Lauren, Jill Wright and everyone who helped make the meal possible tonight. We had sloppy joes, bananas, trail mix packets, chips, rice krispie treats and some homemade cupcakes and cookies made by Kim Ted Shook which were all prepared as 'to-go's'. The rain came in for a few minutes but not too bad and we were happy to see our friends again. There are many trying to get their first come first serve cot at St. Mary's church by 7 so they were not able to join us. The Mission is providing sack lunches to them so were hoping they made the walk to get one before they hunker down.

One thing that stood out tonight was a sweet lady friend of ours came up right before we left and she was so apologetic as she figured she was late (which she wasn't). We gave her and a friend of hers some food to go and she said "They stole my soul" When I asked her what she meant by that as I searched for a blanket for her she said "They stole my large print King James Version Bible. I have to have the large print because I cannot see very good." That took me back a minute and I tried not to tear up. I reassured her I would bring her another large print King James Bible and not to worry. I had a Jesus Calling book with me and gave her that....didn't realize till later it was not a LARGE PRINT so she probably couldn't read it . I don't know who "They" are but as it goes outside quite often people steal whatever they can for whatever reason.

Also talked with Dan and Chumly and they always make all of us smile!! Spent some time letting Jim talk to his good friend Olivia Ghent on Face time and that always makes him smile. Jim has been blessed with someone on our team helping him with his rent for the next two weeks and he's thrilled. He said as we drove him home that he now has a little extra money to get his microwaveable dinners now.

Also met a couple people who were new to the streets - and the frustration was evident. Everyone though was thankful for a hot meal, prayer and just hanging out. We joined in at 8:00 Pm with the local radio station that played the National Anthem. The deal was to stand outside on your porch or whatever you have with a flashlight and sing together with the radio The National Anthem. So we turned the vans radio up pretty loud, faced the flag which is atop one of the buildings downtown and sang along. Dan who was in the service took great pride as he stood with his hand in at attention and sang along. We live in a great country and we are free. We are free to do many things and free to serve our Lord Jesus Christ if we so choose. I pray during this time of not knowing what will be from one minute to the next we remember we are FREE and Jesus is not taken by surprise to all of this. We have a opportunity to be a people united, ready and able to serve those around us however we can- so lets do that and do it well. For when this passes and it will, we will be remembered by our actions through this hard time.

Also just a reminder we are unable to accept donations at this time as our drop off sites are closed, so if you have anything and can keep it for us we would be so appreciative of that. We also realize because of jobs being uncertain etc that giving may become too much of a hardship. We want you to know we understand and there is absolutely no pressure to give if your facing hardship. God will continue to provide for ALL of us and we trust him.

Thank you everyone for supporting this ministry and we pray for your families as this situation is affecting all of us. We are here as a ministry to pray and help whoever- so if your needing some prayer, some encouragement please contact us and let us help.


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