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Friday update for 11-9-19

Hello Everyone,

Romans 8:28 says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." This was the verse that we talked about throughout the night. It was pretty special to hear how God has brought goodness out of some pretty hard circumstances for those we serve.

Tonight many shared how they had tried to kill themselves. One friend shared how when he awoke from a failed attempt, he was thankful to see his family, and at the same time upset he couldn't even get taking his own life right. Others shared about their experiences as well and it was very hard. Hard to see people you love not sure if they want to be alive. Suicide is becoming a epidemic, and yet we still do not seem to talk about it much...why is that? We have to share and be willing to listen to those who need listened to. To be able to point people to the help they need and maybe even be the person who walks with them as they start the journey of healing.

Tonight driving home I thought about the few people who shared their story and I just prayed. Prayed for them and the strength they need. Prayed for more resources and that more would take the step to get the help they need. Prayed for the families of those I know who have been affected by suicide as their grief is beyond my scope, but not Gods.

I also thought of two friends tonight in different settings, but both thankful in that they felt they were "Seen." One man said he knows people tend to outwardly judge him and yet he says his prayers every night. One young man shared how thankful he was for being "Seen for the person he is."

There are so many needs we see on Friday's and thankfully there are resources, but we need more. As we have said before homelessness is multifaceted and not something one group can change. We can though be willing to do the part God has asked of us showing love, grace, mercy and truth.

So tonight we are thankful for the lives of those who have woke up, and we pray for the many more who are struggling. Please pray for those you know who are struggling with depression, anxiety, loss of finances, or loss of a loved one.......everyone needs love, hope and encouragement. Everyone needs to be SEEN, HEARD, VALUED, and lets do our part!


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