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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Update For 1-8-2021

Hello Everyone, Tonight thanks to Marika, Soultana, Trish, and Bobby, and those with The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church we had nice thick sandwiches, drinks, chips, and more to feed our friends who came out in the cold to visit. It is so wonderful knowing we have food each week for those who are in need. There weren't too many who came out but for those who did it was a nice visit. Was able to see an old friend...Rhonda! She is back in town and it was nice to see her tonight --been a long time. Also talked with Jim and he is doing great. Thankfully he had on gloves and a jacket tonight and we were so glad because he walks every day regardless of the temps. We also were able to see our friend's twin grandbabies adorable. So nice that he has some good news in his life right now.

After we circled up and prayed, handed out snack bags, gloves, a few coats we told everyone goodbye. Some ride their bikes 4-5 miles to get to us and when it's this cold we want them to be able to get back to their site as soon as possible to get warm.

From there we went to see our friend Daves's new place. the carpet in the bedroom was in bad shape and someone had the crazy idea to right then and there rip the carpet and pad up!!! (Yes, that was ME)Thankfully I have a fantastic team who is up for an adventure at all times. Jacob who is awesome went home real quick grabbed a huge bin of tools and because of that, we were able to remove the carpet, pad, and all tack strip!!! YUP That's what I said!!! Poor Dave-- he wasn't expecting that to happen but I know he is happy we got it all done even if it was spontaneous. So now we can get a twin-sized bed in there. We need to go smaller than first thought because there isn't a ton of room in there and we need room for a dresser and a nightstand. So if anyone has a twin-size bed, frame, and box spring please let me know as soon as possible.

Also in Dave's apartment, there are a few shelves in there and he had some mementos up. Pictures of his daughter, his baptism picture and certificate, some nice watches, his Blessed Portion trophy for second place in the annual corn hole tournament, and some other items. As I looked at them I almost teared up because it was amazing to me he was able to keep these things and keep them in such good condition. Again I thought about him a year ago being outside talking with us as it was around 10:30 at night and cold. He was worn out mentally and yet here he is....with smiles, hope, and some peace and his own place!!!

It was also nice to see Chumly coming across the hall and checking in on us....two friends inside the same building living across the hall from one another...HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!! So all in all we had a great night and it was such a blessing to see all that God is doing. A blessing to see how many people's lives have been changed and for the better. A blessing to see prayers being answered and friends seeing God more and more.

So we had a wonderful night and again we do this with the help of many people each week like you. Thank you so much for helping and donating-- we are blessed and thankful. Continue to pray for this ministry and for the people we serve. And remember: Many things can be accomplished when we work together!!!


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