Friday Update
Blessed Portion Friday Update 9-4-2020
Hello Everyone,
Tonight was a celebration as two friends have come a long way. One friend has been sober for two years, and the other finally got his driver's license after many years. Two opposite ends but both equally as wonderful. To be able to see people put in the hard work no matter how hard it is and come out the other side is inspiring.
We also heard from a friend who shared that his father was in church singing his favorite song a few years ago and he went down- he passed away. For him recounting that story was hard and yet he said knowing he is in Heaven helps. It is a another reminder that life is short and can be gone in a second. We often think we have lots of time in this life, but truth is we don't know how much time we really have. We have to love better, give more, be more patient and kind, be a good listener and just be there for others.
Tonight we ended the night by stopping by to check on a friend who has relocated from the previous spot. (Many are already thinking about the winter and where they could possibly be safe as the cold temps roll in.) She was still using a pretty comforter we gave her a few weeks ago and said she loves the colors in it. Hard to see women who have health issues sleeping outside. We asked her what we could bring her next week and she said flashlight and some hard candy!!! You can bet we will bring those to her!
Many wonder why people are outside with shelters in the city. For women it is not easy because they are not open 24-7 like other shelters and there is a waiting list. For some men they also do not need to be in a program to get help for addictions because many are not addicts....just without the means to support an apartment. There are many who work and sleep outside and that is hard. Please pray for those who are outside, pray for more programs to support those who are not addicts, programs for women and for their health mentally and physically.
Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, John Gayday, MJS Apparel Screen Printing & Embroidery, Nicole Nelson, Jacquie Aldrich, Rochelle, Toby Hendrickson, Sonia Radcliff, Forrest Radcliff, and all of you who support us in many different ways!! Also side note: Auburn Massage and Wellness will no longer be a drop off site for us due to their remodeling. We do still have Mjs Apparel in Garrett and Pathway Community Church in Fort Wayne.
Thank you everyone