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Friday Update 3-18-22

Friday Night Update For 3-18-22 Hello Everyone--

Tonight it poured the rain as you all know, but by the end of the time at our first stop it slowed down some. Brought 3 tents and I have to say our friend's dove right in to help and get things situated and I sure appreciated the extra hands. Even though it rained we still had a pretty good turn out to enjoy the beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, rolls, green beans, and cupcakes! Thank you Hallmark Mortgage for providing a nice hot meal on a cold wet night we sure love your whole team.

Talked with a friend and he is pretty excited he is now in the application stage for disability as his foot was removed and is going to see some assistance. He's always positive and smiling which in turn makes us smile!! Talked with another friend who just got a job at the Embassy Theatre and is eager to get working. He has some big plans for his future and it will be fun to see it all play out.

We also went to 13Th Step House and it was nice to see everyone again......they were very happy about some hot food!! Got caught up with a few friends and met some new ones. One man shared his recent story of how he came to the house and were hoping things work out for him. Its been a tough road for him and he is fresh in his sobriety but being there will be good for him...but still pray for him and the others that they continue to push ahead.

It was a crazy, wet night but soooo good!! We gave away several tents, jackets, socks, trash bags, boots, snack bags, blankets and it was nice to have those things on hand so thankyou to everyone who has been donating items. We currently do not need anything as of now so please hold off all donations until we get more into the warmer months.

Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Forrest Radcliff, Sonia Radcliff, JoAnne Emerick, Renee Curneal, Todd Plimpton, Jacquie Aldrich, Michael Jordan, Traci White, Rhonda Powell, Christina King, Mjs Apparel, and all of you who keep helping us each week!!

Have a good weekend and invite someone to church...maybe offer to pick them up and buy them lunch afterward..........never know it may just change their life and yours as well!


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