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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Update 11-21-19

"A messed up mind means a messed up life."

Hello Everyone,

Granite Ridge and their team of Kathy Coughlin Hartman and her husband Bob, Lonnie and Connie Norris, Scott and Teresa Hueber, Jill Sample and Jill Wright brought fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans, salad, cookies and drinks.....I don't think we have ever had fried chicken in the 8 years we have been doing this!!! Thank you Granite Ridge for your fantastic meal, generosity and for partnering with us and those we serve!!!

At the first stop towards the beginning of the night a sweet lady only had a hoodie on and was shivering.....thankfully we had a jacket that fit her perfectly!! Another friend towards the end of our time had a towel around his head to block the wind. He had asked if he could have just a pair of socks..........well you know we didn't let it end there! Again thankfully he was able to get a much warmer winter coat, gloves, a hat and was overwhelmed he was given so much. He had no chance with all of us moms there when we found out he needed a blanket. We gave him a much needed sleeping bag and he literally had to walk away because he couldn't handle so much goodness at one time!! Can you imagine not being able to handle someone just doing something simple and nice for you? Says a lot possibly of what he has been through!

The phrase at the top of this update is something a good friend said tonight. Thursday night as we were sorting the donations I sent out a text asking him if he had a Bible to which he said he did. So I (asked...told) him since we were coming on Friday I wanted him to get in his Bible and find something encouraging to him, and let me know when I saw him. So first thing he did was come and show me what he had written down ( titled Friday homework) as he got in his Bible and how it applied to him. He also wrote with his other notes "A messed up mind means a messed up life." For our friend the enemy relentlessly feeds him lies and hopelessness. When we allow the enemies lies to be the loudest voice it creates chaos, which then creates wrong choices resulting in a mess. This is something all of us can relate to in one way or another. So his next "Friday homework" is to let me know of a new and good phrase. Some words that encourage Him from Gods word as he is learning to hear Gods truth.

The saying "The truth sets you free" is amazing and I'm praying our friend can accept the truth of who God says He is. I can tell him all day long the good I see in him and that God loves him. It is however more impactful when a person opens the Bible, sees the truth in front of them and accepts it knowing God said it. So for our friend I'm so thankful he did his "Homework" and it's inspiring to me as well to keep doing my "Homework."

So many praises tonight of new jobs, good health, accepting Jesus and a place to stay. There was many requests as well. Cancer for a few friends, addiction, no place to stay, no family or friends and many cycles of abuse. I am so thankful God is never too busy for ALL OF US!!! Thank you for supporting us each week and for being the church to so many. We all do this TOGETHER!!!!

We are giving away every item you give us and we so appreciate every prayer, financial donation, sack lunches made on Sundays for those who come with us.Thankful for those who provide meals on Fridays, those who drive our friends to church with each week, and thankful we serve a God who heals, sees us, loves us. Lastly we are thankful its always level at the foot of the cross for ALL!!


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