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FRiday Update

Hello everyone, I sure hope all of you have had a wonderful weekend with your family and friends. Our Friday evening downtown started around 6:45 pm and somewhat ended around the 9:45pm hour - what a great 3 hours we had with our downtown friends - its always a great night, rain or shine with them. Gina and I would like to thank Toby and his crew for preparing and serving the food Friday evening to all who attended for dinner, snacks, fellowship and prayer time. After dinner was served, and we were all cleaned up Toby had the opportunity to speak to all of us and to share how Jesus has truly turned his life UPSIDE DOWN or should I say RIGHT SIDE UP !!

Toby shared with the entire group of about 40 people of how turning to Jesus, and letting Jesus take over his life changed EVERYTHING ! Its been 4 years since Gina a I met Toby for the 1st time in downtown Ft. Wayne and all I can say is WOW, and praise God for the miracles he is still working today. Toby has crushed the Drug Addiction and has been in a supervisor position at The Thirteen Step House which is to provide a safe and secure living environment to allow alcoholics and addicts have an opportunity to recover physically, mentally, and spiritually. WAY TO GO TOBY, and thank you for sharing your INCREDIBLE story to everyone, but most of all, sharing the truth on how you had to turn to the Jesus and let him walk with you, as you were healed from the addictions.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.- Hebrews 13:8

Gina and I would like to gratefully thank all of the wonderful people who come down and volunteer there time to serve, pray, and fellowship with all of our friends downtown. Special thanks to all of the people who support us. Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, MJS Apparel. Tracy and Dale Bullion, Josh and Jaclyn Myers, and EVERYONE who came out to our fundraiser. Todd Plimpton, Michael Jordan, Christina and Michael.

Have a wonderful week and blessing to you all.

Love ya all,



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