Friday Update 12-13-19
"To have someone take 2 minutes to talk to me made me feel I was human"

Hello Everyone:
A dear friend shared with me (Friday) how years ago when she was under a bridge (for a short time ) it meant so much for us to come and talk with her. She mentioned how it made her feel human and I imagine loved. She is now clean and sober, working her recovery and NOT under a bridge, but in a recovery place. She is beautiful inside and out and I love seeing her come and worship with us at church. I have seen her in a dark place feeling frustrated to now looking so much more peaceful.
Also at church today I was in amazement as another dear friend sang each worship song with all he had. He loves coming to church, always take notes, and gives $1.00 each week. Remind you he is in a shelter and doesn't really have anything and yet he gives!
Also our sweet lady friend is in the middle of her chemotherapy and radiation treatments and says each week that her faith is growing and she's got this- and she loves coming to church and so do we.
So many testimonies of how God is working and my goodness our team is so blessed to see it all take place. We see the cycles and we see the changes. We see depression and anger be curbed and faith increase. We see many who are at a loss to then seeing clearly. We see those still trying to figure it out and we wont give up helping where we can. We see those who were not working and homeless to now having jobs and excelling at them and in their own place!!
There are many highs and lows, and yet our prayer is that we never forget we ALL are in process. May each of us remember just a couple minutes of our time could mean the world to someone and help them feel loved, seen, valued and pray for God to show you who you can give time too! Thank you for believing in this mission and for helping us. Hopefully these few stories will encourage you that God is on the move.
Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, St. Joe Church of Christ, Cherrilyn Thomas, Scott Wright, Thunder Tank, Rochelle Bloomfield-Wilson, Jackie Mangas and her whole crew for making the whole dinner tonight and serving so many, Nick Reinoehl, Jenny, Claudia Wessner, Christy Lee Greene, Melinda Carter, Kristy L. Stemen, Spencer Burns
* Please also remember we need ALL items for our Christmas bags by MONDAY. We are putting the bags together Tuesday evening - if you need us to pick items up please let us know!!