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Friday Update 12-10-21

Blessed Portion Friday Update For 12-10-21

Hello Everyone,

Thankfully the rain stopped five minutes before we pulled out stuff to feed our friends. It was coming down so thick and with the wind it seemed as if the night was going to be a nightmare but thankfully it cleared up. The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Fort Wayne brought us chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, breadsticks, cookies, and salad. Thankfully we had enough and a little extra to share with The 13th Step House where we end our time at. They have a coffee bar that is open each night until 10:00 pm where you can visit with people who stay there. We enjoy going there and hanging out and meeting new people.

Talked with a friend tonight who is really struggling with depression and loss. He has been in the hospital a few times because for him too many things on his mind causes him to lose hope pretty quickly. He shared how he just doesn’t know how he is going to make it….and so we just prayed with him. Knowing there is nothing we can do to help, but Jesus can. The holidays are extremely hard on everyone who is experiencing loss, health issues, financial and relationship issues. For those who are sleeping outside it is doubly hard. Not everyone wants to go into a shelter, and some do not qualify for long term help within a shelter. I have also heard several say that they refuse to be on any medications to even qualify for services and for them they tough it out every day. There though are many who do qualify for services and do not choose to get that help, but it’s amazing to see them know where they can come for a hot meal and friendship on a Friday night. We do not take it for granted that we have a place to visit with our friends thanks to Trinity English Church and for those who make the walk to see us.

We had some great news tonight in that one of our friends finally had two shoes on! He has lost all toes on one foot and has been in a boot for a while. Tonight, we listened as he shared how weird it has been to walk with shoes on. His balance feels off and not quite as steady as he would like but that will come with time. He looks happy and were thankful things are finally going a little better for him.

We also took some food to a friend who sleeps outside, and we try on Fridays to go visit for a few minutes and “Just sit and listen” as he once said. He is always happy to get a meal and tells us how his week has been and usually has some interesting things to tell us. Tonight, he said that he was thankful we came bye and that he will see us next week—and goodnight. He’s a quiet man who doesn’t like big crowds and has always likes to be by himself and never asks for anything. If I ask him what he could use its usually just a trash bag, or some batteries for his radio. He knows where we feed and the time, but he would rather avoid the crowd which is why we go to him. It is nice to just hang out for a few moments and catch up. Sometimes when we get there a few minutes later than normal he is always happy to see us, and I think he likes knowing someone is going to come and visit. I suppose that is how we ought to be don’t you think? Being willing to GO to others and just visit, talk for a few minutes and or just listen? Seems that life is busy—too busy and were all in a rush including me at times. I look at the life of Jesus and if you pay attention to what He did you will see that most of the time He was interrupted! He was on His way somewhere and someone came up needing His help and He always went. I have to believe He was tired at times, but He didn’t let His schedule keep Him tied to no interruptions. Something I need to be better at. So being with our friends on a Friday and or a Sunday at church is a gift to US. We get to be a part of people’s lives and we get to see what Jesus is doing….it’s a gift. It’s also a reminder for all of you that remember to take time to just sit and listen….to just be present!

Thank you to everyone who gave this past week for our regular Friday list and for the Christmas bags we are putting together. Remember next Tuesday is the last day for items to be turned in as we are putting them together on that Tuesday and giving them out on Christmas Eve which is a Friday. Thank you for again making it possible to have something for all of our friends each year!!!


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