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Friday Update 11-15-19

Blessed Portion Friday Update 11-15-19

Hello Everyone,

This update is LATE and I apologize for that. Tonight as we prayed for our friend Douglas Holland during prayer time at the Rescue Mission we had no idea his last breath was taking place!! He was with many staff members and friends which is beautiful, because no one should ever have to pass away alone. Doug was funny, stubborn, kind and gentle and will be missed by us and so many. He has been a good friend and we are thankful for his friendship and life.

Each year the numbers rise of those who are no longer with us and its extremely difficult. So many have health issues and addictions that take them early, and many are struggling to stay alive as the depression gains strength. One friend called today needing some encouragement because he woke up feeling hopeless and unworthy!! We talked for a little bit as he was headed to the doctor to check on his medications. He said he felt a little bit better after we talked, but prayers for him and many others who feel the same way are needed.

Please pray for those we serve and for the many agency's who serve our community. Everyone needs to be heard, loved and know Jesus. Thank you for helping us each week!! we love you!


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