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Friday update

Hello Everyone, I am hoping everyone had the opportunity to attend church today, todays message was a "Dilly". So thankful to have a GREAT home church like Pathway Community. Friday evening we had a very thin volunteer crew of just 6 due to the summer season of family outings and lake activities or just catching up on family time. But the 6 friends we had serving this past Friday was just amazing. Thank you all, such an awesome serve night ! So that brings up the subject of this past Friday evening in downtown Ft. Wayne as we were on the streets from 6:45 p.m. until about 11:00 p.m. Have you every wondered what kind of people God wants us to be? Abilities, talents, personalities and many backgrounds will most certainly differ, but Scripture reveals some very basic traits the Lord desires for all of us. Among them is one very close to His heart- that we be encouragers ( 1 Thess. 5:11 ) Even though encouraging one another isn't usually an organized ministry of the church, its invaluable in the community around us. The Christian life is not one of isolation and independence but of relationship and interconnection. That is why the church is called the "body" of Christ. We are most certainly united to one another in Him and walk together side by side. Although some of us are more outgoing that others, we can each express encouragement in our own unique way. Never underestimate the powerful impact of gracious words, or acts of kindness may have on someone. Just think about the various trails you and I have endured and all God has taught us- every trail or experience can be used to encourage someone else, to be used by God in this way. So simply be alert to the people He brings our way and make ourselves available even when in seems so inconvenient. Most importantly pray for wisdom . God will help you know what to say or do as you come along side that person. I hope this quick message was helpful and would like to give a Huge thank you to Amber Gaskill for such delicious dinner this past Friday evening. We would also like to thank Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, MJS Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness Center, and of course all of our incredible friends who serve on Friday evenings and ALL the friends that do so much behind the scenes. Have a wonderful night and Gina will be back next week with the Friday night update.

Everyone have a peaceful week and thank you


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