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Friday Night Update

Hello Everyone- If you were outside tonight you know it was crazy, wet and black at one point. The weather sure took a turn towards the end of our time at the first stop and thankfully we were able to get the tents down before they blew away. Granite Ridge Builders - Kathy Coughlin Hartman, Patrick and Fran Martin, Mallory and her mom Betty, Devin Martin and Darlen Innocent brought smoked pulled pork (that they did themselves) with homemade bbq sauce, macaroni and cheese, drinks, Hawaiian rolls and it was great! We thankfully had enough to take extra to The 13th Step House and it went fast there as they are on their own on the weekends so any extra food is appreciated. Tonight Valerie came over and told us she has been packing up her things and is moving into a new apartment. She has always been such a sweet lady to have around and we're hoping she will be able to come from time to time after she moves. She will have to take the bus and that might be too much, but we will stay in touch with her for sure.

We had a lot of requests for socks, jackets, and trash bags and as always we were able to meet those needs so thank you! Thank you also to Renee Leichty Kahn and her family for keeping us stocked in snack bags. Seems like such a small thing, but it has always been such a blessing to give those away so people have something for the next day.

As we were heading out a man came by who we know and we were able to give him two to-gos we had. Thankfully he came right at the time we were leaving (because of the storm that rolled in) but it was so nice to know that since he rode in that heavy rain and we were leaving he was not without food for the evening!! Thank you again Granite Ridge Builders for doing what you do! Towards the end of the night, we were at the 13th Step house and it has been so nice getting to know some of the guys there. Someone recently asked us how do we start to get to know people we meet downtown? How do we start a conversation? And the answer was to just be friendly, ask how they are and let it go from there. Our goal isn't to get into people's business, but to be friends and help where we can and above all let them know they are valuable to God! I have needed that same reassurance in my life as I'm sure our team as well. Our job is to give back what God has given and shown us and that's it! So we appreciate people giving us the opportunity to get to know them, to be able to pray for them, and see what God is doing!!

We all can listen, we all can give our time, and we all can show compassion and be let's try to do more of that. Lets be willing to show GODS love to those around me it will make you a better person as well!!!

Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, MJs Apparel, Christina King, Mr. Schwartz, Renee Kahn, Trademark Title, Cherri and Randy Thomas, and everyone who donates items each week !!! Also thank you to those small groups at Pathway Community Church who make sure we have lunches each week for our friends who come to church. Thank you so much.

* Remember to also ask someone to church next week. Maybe offer to be their ride and buy them a coffee afterwards....never know it may just change their life forever and just possibly yours as well!


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