Christmas 2020
Blessed Portion 2020 Christmas Bags: Hello Everyone,
We are again doing Christmas for our friends this year. We will be doing around 85 instead of the 160 we did last year. We are not able to go into The Rescue Mission so we won't be needing as much. If you feel you can help with our need list please comment on this post and we will keep a running total. If you have something you want to donate please give a total of what the item is and we will make sure we get enough of that one item so the bags are all the same. Her is our list but feel free to add different items if you find something.

1. Each person will get 5 Homemade Christmas cookies so we need 35 dozen cookies. 2. 85 All day Bus Passes 3. 85 Chap sticks 4. 85 Packs of Gum 5. 85 or more Peanut Butter Crackers 6. 85 or more Fruit Cups 7. 85 or more Chewy Soft Granola Bars 8. 85 or more Fruit Snacks 9. 85 or more Slim Jims 10. Will also need at least 85 but will take as many as possible homemade Christmas cards made from children. 11. 85 Oranges ( If possible) 12. 425 Hand warmers so each person gets 5 packages 13. 85 or more Cheese Crackers 14. 425 Drink Mixes 15. 1000 pieces of Candy (Everyone should get around 10 a piece) 16. We are planning on giving everyone two pairs of socks but I believe we have enough just wanted to let you all know. 17. We also are giving each person a fast food 5.00 gift card. At this point we have the 85, but will always welcome as many as we can get.
We will accept most any items, except peanuts, walnuts and or apples. If you find food items and want to donate something not on this list that is great..this is just an idea of items we have used before, but again we are wanting to fill these bags so as many items as we can get we want to fill them.
We are planning on having Christmas with our friends on December 18th so we will need all items by Tuesday December 15th so we can have time to put them together.
We understand times are different this year with all the pandemic issues, thank you in advance for helping us make Christmas a little better for our friends.