Blessed Portion Update For 7-10-2020
Hello Everyone-
Tonight thanks to Amber Gaskill for making and supplying nachos, fresh strawberries, chips, lots of drinks and great company. We had exactly the right amount and we are so thankful!!
This picture of a onion is something we talked about tonight. We took a white onion, a black marker and took turns writing down things on it we wanted to get rid of. Some things written down were girls, lust, hurts, people hurting us and unforgiveness. A onion is pretty much the only thing that when sliced (besides a hot pepper) that makes us tear up--and there are approximately 8 layers to a average onion. As we finished up we took the onion and peeled back the layer and let it go-- talking about how we need to let God peel back those layers of our lives. It brings uncomfortableness, vulnerableness, transparency but also brings healing and the realization of how much God can and will help us. One friend said that he so badly wants the hurt that people have caused him to be gone....and that his Grandma used to tell him to keep singing praises to God and when he does he will keep his mind on God-- so true!! He also said that he wanted to know if we still pick up for church because he would like to come....and we said we would love to bring him!!
God is good friends and He loves all of us regardless where we sleep, whatever addictions, fears, frustrations, doubts we have...........He loves us. He promises to help us and our prayer should be that God would continue to stretch us, convict us, teach us and show us how to love better and if we allow Him he will gently pull back the layers of our lives that need healing.
Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Julie Nusbaum, Sonia and Forest Radcliff, Jacquie Aldrich, John Gayday, Rochelle,Toby Hendrickson, Christina Scheiber, Michael Casiano, Amber Gaskill, Crystal Ward, MJS Apparel Screen Printing & Embroidery, Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing, Nick Reinoehl, Thank you everyone for making sure tonight we had what we needed. We gave out a lot of blankets, bookbags, socks, shorts, and even set up a tent for a old friend of ours who is bad health. The mosquitos were horrible and yet our amazing team hung in there and got that tent set up....they are amazing and never back down form helping anyone!!!
Have a great week everyone and next time you look at an onion ask God what layers need to be peeled back!
* Also it seems Facebook doesn't allow us to put a donate button on our page anymore, but allows people to start a donation campaign (Which I would have to do one each week.)
So a reminder that you can donate to this ministry through our website at (there is a small stripe fee to use the service) or you can mail to us at The Blessed Portion Ministries P.O Box 188 Garrett Indiana 46738. All donations are eligible for a tax deduction as we are a non for profit 501c3 ministry