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friday update

Hello everyone,

this has just been quite the sad and trying week watching such evil in El Paso and Dayton Ohio. Us as Christ followers most certainly need to be praying for these innocent people and there families. I would like to thank all of our friends who come out and serve with us on Friday evenings and all of the wonderful food that is prepared - all of you are truly AMAZING PEOPLE and Gina and I are so grateful for your friendships and the wonderful hearts you have serving to the people who are in need of lots of love. In some of conversations this past Friday the topic of having "Hope" in our daily lives is sometimes hard to grasp when there is such Chaos going on all around us. We can never forget that the Bible reveals that your Heavenly Father is " the God of hope," the one who wants to "fill you with all of the joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" ( Romans 15:13 ).


As you draw near to God in prayer, your hope will be nurtured, as God rekindles your hope, it will then become a breeding ground of faith. Faith in God can and will turn your situation around !

Whatever you do, don't believe the devil's lies that your situation is hopeless. There are no hopeless situations, only people who feel hopeless in their situation.

Your story is NOT over. God will see you through this. He is going to make your test a testimony and your mess a message.

You see, your trials are actually working for you rather than against you, and remember that Your life will not be defined by the dark place your soul may find itself in at this or that moment. God is always working and mastering a higher plan and a higher purpose than you can ever imagine. So just remember this, if you find yourself in a sea full of hopelessness, don't give up, keep swimming because help is on the way.

Before I sign off I would like to give out a Big Thankyou to all of our awesome friends who volunteer of there time and who continue to pour out love in the downtown streets of Fort Wayne - it is a Mission Field all in its own, so thank you to all who help support us in so many ways. Gina and I would like to thank Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, MJS Apparel in Garrett, Auburn Message and Wellness Center and all of our friends who always seem to come through with tangible needs for our friends on the streets. Have a wonderful week everyone and we will talk again next week.

May blessings pour over you and your families,


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