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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Update 7-12-19

Hello Everyone---

This update is a little sorry. We had a lot of great things happen Friday night. One was from Abrielle Kay Pulver from Lost and Found Ministries. They graciously awarded us a grant which comes at such a great time for us. There are many costs in keeping a ministry running and we needed it so much.... so thank you Abrielle. Thank you also to Amber Gaskill for cooking some yummy soup, giving fresh strawberries, drinks, bread. Thanks to Community Harvest Food bank for the bananas and Joe Leksich for the cookies!!!

We have a routine each week that we follow and its good to have a schedule, but also good to go with the flow. Every Friday before we go home we stop bye and see two friends bringing them food. Usually one of them is already asleep, but is totally ok with us waking him up! This week he was still awake and we settled into the concrete and sat for about 45 minutes. As many of you know our sweet friend Dallas passed away a year ago next month. Dallas literally was a genius on sports- you COULDN'T stump him AT ALL! Our friend Don is the same way- however his specialty is TV shows. We were having so much fun hearing him sing any show theme song we threw out to him. He knew EVERYONE!!! We had so much fun sitting there laughing, talking and JUST being together. When we finally decided we needed to leave our friend said "Why you leaving? You dont have to leave." We told him we had to but would think of some show to try and stump him next week...I dont think we can though.

Driving home I thought of how simple things do mean so much. Our two friends had all their belongings (which wasn't much) stolen the night before. They had no blankets, no sleeping bags and no extra clothes. Yet when we came to visit they still had smiles regardless of what they didn't have. Oh my heart is continually learning by those we serve on Fridays. Often I can get bent out of shape about the dumbest things and nights like Friday help put things into perspective for me. I will cherish many things from this ministry as I get older. Tommy and I are so thankful God let's us do His work on Fridays. To see Don (Who we first met over 25 years ago) smiling when he has nothing and being so thankful to just sit and enjoy friendship causes me to be so thankful. Tommy and I including our team are committed to sitting on the concrete enjoying dinner together and just BEING together for as long as we can. We are committed to showing love to all we meet....we are not perfect people, but we know who Is and we know HE is the reason we are alive. Everyone has the right to know to Jesus loves them...regardless where they sleep and regardless of what their past or presents look like.

Looking forward to more laughter, friendship with those we meet on Fridays for as long as God allows. Thank you everyone for supporting us and those we serve. You see when you support us you too are "Sitting on the concrete" with us!!

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