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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Update 6-21-19

Hello Everyone,

BIG thanks to Hallmark Home Mortgage-NMLS#53441, Tracy White, Maria Rios, Deborah Sturges, for bringing soft tacos. rice, salad and to Lisa Scheer and Dave for bringing homemade treats. We had plenty of food to go around and we are so appreciative of the support they give us and our friends. It takes a lot to feed 150 people each week --so thank you very much.

A lot seemed to be going on tonight as we saw so many people. One awesome moment was when one friend who lost his daughter a few months back received a surprise visit from his little grand kids (his daughters children) He didn't know they were coming and so it was amazing to see our friend filled with much pride and love for his grand kids. They look like their mama and I know that makes our friend happy. We were able to look at some pictures of her from several years ago and she was a beautiful lady and its so sad to know that those little ones won't see her each day.

We also were able to have some much needed conversation with a friend who has for the past 10 months been in a severe state of depression. He has lost a very good friend in the last 10 months, lost everything he regained from many years of not having anything, had fallen back on some old habits and yet still has some hope. Tonight we talked about how that just because we fall down doesn't mean that God gives up on us (I think he thought God had given up on him) He shared how he needs to get back on that narrow road. We assured him that we support him and will always be there for him.

We also saw Jim tonight and someone donated a size 12 tennis shoe with a THICK heel and we set them aside for him. Again it was perfect timing because he had already placed a small piece of tissue in the bottom of his shoe where it started to wear out. So he has some newer ones that I think will last him a little bit longer. Thankful to all who donate items as you never know what someone will need.

Also at the end of the night we met with some friends at several stops and made sure they were ok, had food, water and again let them know there are places that are ready and able to help if they want it. The lady we were able to help get some items for was so thrilled. Olivia Ghent went the extra mile by picking up some hair ties, fingernail polish, deodorant, along with several other much needed items. We had the honor of brushing her hair tonight- sounds maybe silly but it was beautiful. Getting all the tangles out in the dark is tricky, but I think we all need that human touch. Whether it's a hug, holding someone's's all needed. Sometimes it's the littlest things that help let someone know they are loved, valued and SEEN!!!!!

So we had a beautiful evening, heard lots of praises, and heard one man share how he has been free of Meth for a year and a half. He is doing amazing and we love hearing those stories and seeing lives transformed. So it was fitting that Tracy Whites husband Dave led us in singing Amazing Grace. What a fitting song and he has a great voice!!

Thanks to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Toby Hendrickson, Lisa Scheer, Dave, Olivia Ghent,Rhonda Powell, Deborah Sturges, Ellen Hackett, Chelsea Hart and her husband, Andrea Martin and her husband, Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing, Mjs Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness, Jennifer Laux, and everyone else who drops off items and I don't know who they are from......THANKYOU!!!

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