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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Update 5/24/19

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to Hamilton Church of Christ, Stacy -Nina Hagerty, Deb Blair, and the rest of their team for making ham and potatoes, salad, rolls, green beans, homemade treats, lemonade.....they provided us a feast and it was so welcomed!!!!! Thank you for partnering with us for over 5 years we love all of you!!!

We were able to give out many shoes, book bags, clothing and lots of encouragement. We also got to see several little ones tonight and all of us moms were in line to hold the babies!!!!! We are needing to find a double stroller asap if possible. We have a friend who has two little ones but only one stroller. It makes it hard to carry one around while your pushing the other one. So if anyone has one please let us know asap.

We met some new people tonight and was able to offer a man a much better pair of shoes. I forgot to bring Jim's socks he gave us to wash back to him, but thankfully he was ok with it :)

Heard some sad news as well. Our friend Seattle Dave let us know his dad was definitely going to pass away as he had just received the call. Heard how another friend has kidney cancer, and another has leukemia. We did though take some time and pray over these friends and their situations and were trusting God for His will to be done.

Seems as the weather gets warmer there are more and more people outside and at the same time there are many more moving inside. Such a mixture of those we know and those to get to know.

Also talked with a lady friend of ours tonight and we both reminisced about Dallas. We agreed that everyone knew he would one day pass away at his home under the bridge and he did. She shared how that many times she would hear him say to her "You can stay down here and be safe." She said that she felt peaceful around him and knew he would keep her safe. Such a hard thing to lose people you love isn't it? We have lost many friends over the 8 years we have been doing this and it never gets easier.....never!

Tonight Eric Dunaway shared how God brings good out of bad for all of us. He challenged us to continue to be thankful and think of all the ways God has been there. We were able to hear some ways in which God has been working in the lives of those we serve and it was so encouraging. One man shared how he was in prison and never plans on going back which is fabulous. Kenneth shared how he has a family that is beyond blood. He is thankful that he is serving in his church and his life is good!!! Others shared how thankful they are to be in recovery and moving forward.

So thank you to all of you who serve our God by serving those we serve with us. Thank you to Pathway Community Church,Trinity English Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Grace Summit Church, Mjs Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness, Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing,Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, and to those of you who as i always say "drop things off and I don't know who did it!" Thank you so much everyone and God Bless you!

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