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friday update

Blessed Portion Friday Night Update 1-25-19

Hello Everyone,

When it's 15 degrees outside and you have 3 roasters full of steaming hot chili, chopped onions, shredded cheese, hot chocolate, coffee, BIG cookies, chips and water, it's a little easier to be outside. BIG thanks to Adrienne Clark and Brunswork Fort Wayne Operations for the perfect meal!!! It is no easy task to feed 150+ people and they make it look so easy. Thank you for filling in at the last minute and we sure appreciate all you do.

To say hand warmers was the big giveaway tonight would be a was sooo cold. However for our friend Jim he still chose to walk the 45 minute walk to hang out with us. He still had on the thin green jacket, tennis shoes and t shirt as always but thankfully he was wearing a hat and had some ragetty gloves...but he did allow us to replace his gloves. The walk back seemed so outrageous to us that we convinced him to let Tommy drive him back. Tommy said that Jim has not been in a car for so long that it caused a lot of anxiety for him and so Tommy drove extra slow and they arrived safely. Some might think that is just a nice gesture but for Jim its a HUGE thing, because he always walks and never allows anyone to take him home. Loved being able to ensure he safely arrived home.

Found one of our friends struggling and crying tonight because she was alone, scared and didn't know where her boyfriend sure isn't safe for a woman to be outside alone. We made sure she had lots of blankets and hand warmers before we left her ....hard to leave.

Tonight we talked about how Jesus loves remember the song? Its a simple song and yet so true. So many are facing the darkest hour of their life and its hard for them to comprehend they will get through it. Its hard for them to trust that God will help them...I know I have been there. However God is true to His word and He is faithful.

So tonight was COLD.......please remember those who are outside and pray for them. Continue to pray for those we serve and for those that attend church with us. Its a beautiful sight when you see so many being able to worship. God is for sure on the move..........thank you everyone for your help in this ministry we appreciate all you do!!

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