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friday update

Blessed Portion Friday Night Update 11-30-18

Hello Everyone--

Tonight for dinner Adrienne Clark and her crew brought 170 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, corn, and HUGE cookies!!! What a great treat for everyone!! That was a expensive meal for sure --- THANKYOU Adrienne!! We only ended up with 7 left so it was a hit!!!

Tonight we listened as a married couple friend of ours shared how they now have to sleep in their car. (I have permission to share this story in the hopes we can find some help for them) The wife works as a nurse and was working at one of the biggest hospitals in Fort Wayne and was doing well. Her husband is in a wheelchair and so he cannot work. They were staying in a hotel and doing ok. When she received her paycheck she realized 90% of it was taken for child support which left nothing for rent. The hotel tried to work with them as best as they could, but had to ask them to leave because of not enough money coming in. So as she went to work her husband stayed in the car as she was working and security found out and asked her to remove the car with her husband in it. After several times of being asked the hospital let her go. She had no problem moving the car, but her husband only has one leg so he cannot drive and this hospitals grounds are huge which left no where for her to park. So now they have no job, no place to stay except in the car and she is looking for work....she said she will take anything. So if anyone can shed some light on nursing home jobs,or serving jobs (because each day with serving you can take cash home which would help with a hotel) let me know and please pray for this couple. Its a common story we hear a lot and its hard because this lady didn't have enough to cover her rent after her check was in the car they sleep. I love her honesty though. She said that she has been pretty upset with God --wondering how they are to make it. They work and try the best they can and now this- so lets pray for her!

Was able to see some old friends that we haven't seen in awhile like Seattle Dave-- ( David Marr). He's a good friend- always happy, smiling and quiet mannered. Hoping he sticks around a little bit more!! We also got to see Missy Shepherd who you know we love.....she starts a new job this week and seems pretty happy about it. Also was thankful to have our buddy bicycle Dave David Hagedorn back out serving with us. He seems to be doing better and were so beyond thankful to have him around more. One thing to remember is everyone goes through heartache, depression, fear, etc....and we need to help one another along on that hard road. One of our volunteers said it best tonight when he said that he noticed people downtown just need to know your coming back, that consistency is the key and he is so right. Our mission isn't just to bring items on Friday or even just getting people to church on Sundays....its about being in a consistent friendship with them and loving them as they should be loved and that is a every day of the week thing!!! Some people come down on Fridays and are not homeless, have plenty of food. They just come down because they want to say hi and hang out for a hour and that is what we love!!!

Tonight was a beautiful night in that while we gave away pretty much all we had in regards to gloves, sock, underwear, clothing, coats, and hand warmers we were able to give away the best thing ever....and that is the reassurance that if a person passed away they would be in Heaven. We talked about this song that is with this post and how it is going to be ok. We related it to when us as parents see our kids get hurt when they are little we say "Its going to be ok." Of course they are crying and screaming if they see blood and we still say "Its going to be ok." That doesn't mean that what they are experiencing will magically go away, or that they wont feel the pain....but we know it will get better and it will will be ok. Living your life with God doesn't ensure us that we will walk a perfect road without any pain or hardship. What it does ensure is that while we are on that hard and exhausting road God IS WITH US. It ensures that we are not alone and "It will be ok" because He will hold us close, He will heal us, He will speak to us, He will love us and most important He will ensure we will make it to the other side. So we asked if anyone didn't know for sure if they died that they would be in Heaven and to raise their hands.....and they did. So we all prayed together hand in had as we do each week and settled it once and for all!! Those moments are the best and ignite such joy in us!!! One man came up after and said "I am thankful God kept after me because now it is finally settled for me." WOW!!!! Thinking of that man and the peace he hopefully will have now sure is amazing!!!

Ok so at one of our last stops we spent it with Ben because of his Birthday. We figure everyone deserves a Bible, Christmas Tree and a Birthday cake....and he got one. We apparently lost the candles but that didn't seem to bother him much.....we sang happy birthday to him and had a piece of frosting....actually cake but the frosting seemed to be way more apparent than the actual cake. He also got a nice card and gift card from Gibson Dunaway, some new boots from our team and a card that played some music (I love those things). Our friend Ben is a character for sure, but is kind and generous and were thankful to share his birthday with him. You have to picture it being cold and dark and your in a spot where its kinda depressing.....and yet to know your valued, and thought of for you birthday has to be a blessing!! We love him a lot!!!!

Ok and of our friends wasn't at the Old Navy Club where we feed at and so we went to check in on him and bring him some food and ..................... a small Christmas tree!!! Sorry I cant help it I just love Christmas!! So he got a chicken sandwich and some even has batteries and blinks red lights!!! Again hoping that he feels loved, thought of !!!! So we had a great night. We saw all our friends and heard some good news. People who are moving into a apartment, people who are working with Park Center to get what they need done. Heard how some are working and just feeling that maybe things are on the upswing which is fabulous....and yet lets pray for those who need to know "Its going to be ok."

Thanks to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Michael Jordan, Christina Scheiber, Adrienne Clark and her entire crew, Sasha Gravante, Eric Dunaway, Amanda Chapman Dunaway, Kristy L. Stemen, Jacquie Aldrich, Renee Liechty Kahn, Bev Gunion, Iisa Gratz and all of you who donated last week so we had all we needed....thank you for your faithfulness.

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