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friday update

Michael Jordan

June 2 at 10:18pm

Blessed Portion Update 6-1-18

What a wonderful night for serving, the weather was only slightly muggy and the sunlight was welcoming. The evening began slowly, but eventually quite a few people showed up to spend time with us and enjoy some food and fellowship. Amber Gaskill prepared and served up an amazing Sausage stew, bread and plenty of desserts. As well as a birthday cake from Christina Scheiber for Michael Maiville and Lori Williams who were both celebrating birthdays (Happy Birthday!!!). As tonight began I prayed earlier in the evening for God to show up in what ever way He chose tonight and He did not disappoint. We had both stories of joy and sadness, but most of all hope. A young man tonight name Justin shared that his mother was on her death bed because the years of drug abuse in her life had finally caught up with her. As we gathered to pray tonight I asked if anyone wanted us to pray for them. Justin raised his hand and asked if he could tell everyone about the prayer he wanted for his mother. He stood in the middle of our circle in much sadness and shared in part with much humility that he hoped his mother would be allowed to live because he wanted to be able to spend more time with her. He indicated that he did not get the time growing up to be with her so that would mean so much to him. We all gathered close to Justin and share a deep prayer for God' s blessing, healing and comfort upon him and his mother. I am reminded in these moments that God so completely loves us and wants us to call on Him and to instill a hope in us as we continue to trust Him. The Holy Spirit lead me to share 1 Thessalonians 5 this evening. In this chapter Paul reminded them that the day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night. Although for those who live in the light they do not have to fear Him in judgment or in wrath. In light of this, we need to share this hope with others so that they too can can know that the Lord is with them if they are in Christ, and that they no longer have to live in fear, without hope, or wondering if their life has purpose. In turn they too can share this light of Christ with others giving them hope and new life as well. At the mission we experienced this further when we saw a rainbow in the sky behind us reminding us of God's many promises.

As we ventured out to our other stops tonight we heard more stories both good and bad. We experienced more sad stories of issues and overdoses with spice. Some very near to where we were serving, and we were happy to discover that our friend Marcus was alright this evening.

We were able to feed and fellowship with so many this evening, but I know we all leave on these nights fed in our spirits knowing that God is at work in the lives of His people that we love. He is still a God of love, peace, comfort and hope not just for those who love and serve Him, but for all people regardless of who they are or where they are in their lives. May we continue to keep in prayer all those whom God loves just as much as He loves each one of us.

Thanks again to Amber Gaskill, Christina Scheiber, Rochelle Bloomfield-Wilson, Lori Williams, Nick Reinoehl, Jacquie Aldrich, and Cheyenne for helping with prayer time this evening. and to everyone else who supports and prays for this ministry. Thank you and God Bless

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