friday update
Blessed Portion Update for 2-17-18
Hello Everyone-
The weather tonight was a little better than it was last week and that is a blessing. Some talked about how they are dreading the rain that is to start next week though...makes things a real mess for our friends.
We gave literally everything away that we brought...socks, underwear, jackets, jeans, shirts. hygiene items, hats and gloves............GAVE IT ALL AWAY!!! There are many at the stops who have nothing so it goes pretty quickly. At one of the recovery houses we go to they are in need of socks, hygiene items, and shoes. We were able to leave a few book bags and socks to help out and will continue to give what we can to them.
There wasn't too much new going on this week on the streets....our friend that was hit by a car a few weeks ago still is improving and healing and we continue to pray for full healing for her. Also had Dave David Hagedorn with us and, as usual he was making sure were organized with the van and bins. He is such a blessing to us and those we serve. He works hard at his job and its such a blessing to see him NOT having to stay outside anymore, and yet he still comes to help us!! love him!
Tonight we talked about how we can cheat on God---be unfaithful to him. We can understand that terminology when it comes to relationships, marriages....that someone was unfaithful to us--cheated on us. When it comes to God though we don't see it for what it really is. Many of us agreed together tonight that we do cheat on God. We cheat on him with the tv, house work, yard work. Maybe being with our friends...or maybe just doing nothing, but certainly not giving God the time he deserves and what we promised Him we would. We tend to tell God we will spend more time in his word, maybe more time praying and serving others, but we let things get in the way of that and we become unfaithful and let the worldly things take higher priority therefore in a sense cheating on God. We talked about how we need to fulfill our commitments we make to Him. How that we need to remember He hears and sees EVERYTHING....and he knows when were faithful and when we are not. Not that we need to get legalistic, but we certainly do need to take our relationship with him more serious then we do. We ended the night sharing this with some friends and one friend had a rough night. He is facing some prison time for something he did, and it is bringing up a whole lot of fear, anxiety and a lot of uncertainty. He shared how he plans to stay sober and why. He said that he has made that choice for Christ and that is good. We ended our time with our whole team and friends at this halfway house circled around him praying for physical healing, for Gods will to be done, peace of mind, for the anxiety and worry to be settled and that he could somehow know that Jesus isn't done with him yet and above all that He loves him!!
We have a fantastic team of men and women who love the Lord and, who love to pray and serve others. We truly are blessed with such Godly people each week who we consider family....thank you to ALL of you who give your Friday night to serve those in this city--we have a HUGE mission field here.....oh if people would really see how important it is we could see a lot more of good things happening. Thanks though to those who pray for us, those who make Sunday lunches, those who make snack bags, those who drop off items each week, and those who drive on Sunday mornings for us....THANKYOU!! Thanks to night to Lori Williams, Jacquie Aldrich,Christina Scheiber, Rose, Toby, Jessica Quinn, Michael Jordan, Dave David Hagedorn, William Born,Chelsea Born, Lisa Gratz, Michael, Auburn Massage and Wellness. Sarah Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Jennifer Lynne Stebing, Mark Stebing, Mjs Apparel, Stacy Hagerty, Hamilton Church of Christ, Renee Liechty Kahn, Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Amber Gaskill