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friday update 2-9-18

Hello Everyone:

There are always many things that stick out to us on Friday nights and tonight was no different. I listened as a friend shared what happened to him. His friend was hit by a car last week, and he has been very worried about them. He went to a church parking lot and was going to ask for prayer for his friend when a person who works for the church came out and in a very rude and demeaning manor told him to leave...saying that they didn't want pan handlers there begging for money. He very calmly said that was not the reason, and explained why he was there.

As he was sharing with me I could feel myself getting angry. Angry that there was judgement before finding out what. Angry that there was rudeness before kindness. Angry that how sometimes us as the church do not represent Christ well and that includes myself as well. My friend that this happened to is a very kind, gentle, sweet man who lives outside and yet you wouldn't know it. This friend has always been kind and giving not only to us, but others as well and I felt so bad for him. His reaction though I have to say was better than maybe mine would have been...sadly.

Then heard at a different stop how one friend was so addicted to drugs that he died and was brought back. He shared how powerful addiction is and yet how powerful our God is as well. He has been clean for about 3 weeks now and seems to be doing well. One thing he shared was a story about how he knows a family in where drugs are taking center stage and children are being overlooked. He mentioned how that there was a comment made that these kids have lots of toys and what a good thing it is....and how it keeps them entertained. Sadly addiction for that family means that those children are being given toys to keep them busy and yet what they most want is their parents attention, love and investment in them. Thankfully our friend has a second chance and were praying that he continues to be sober and finds the strength he needs.

Tonight we gave out all we had tangibly, spiritually and that is a great thing. There are always things we learn as a team when we serve and tonight was no different. We admire so many and the determination they have. We admire those that are working for way below minimum wage and continue anyways. We admire those who in the face of judgement and stereotypes and still have a peaceful and pleasant way about them. We admire those who have made it off the streets and are doing what is needed to stay that way. Lastly we are humbled and honored to be a part of so many friends lives...thankful they let us and Jesus in!!!

Thanks to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Christina King, Claudia Weesner, Deb Diller, Christina Scheiber, Jacquie Aldrich, Cherrilyn Thomas,Tracy White, Michael Jordan, Sherry Myers, Nick Reinoehl, Toby, Lowell, and Kimberly Rinehart Neuhouser for continuing to make sure we have lunches on Sunday--thank you to all of you who provide those for our friends it is extremely appreciated.

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