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friday update

Blessed Portion Update 12-8-17

Hello Everyone,

To say it was cold would be a understatement---it was crazy cold. Thankfully we had baked spaghetti, salad, bread sticks from Ziano's that the Greek ladies brought and of course lots of yummy homemade desserts. Many came in shaking from the cold weather and it was a blessing to see them get warmed up, eat some hot food and leave with what they needed. Most asked for items tonight was gloves, hats, hand warmers, and warm jackets... and thankfully we had many on hand! Heard some good news about how one friend got a good job that he starts on Monday and he also got a car!! He is working hard to do the right things, and its pretty cool to see how God is blessing him as he moves forward.

Tonight we sat with several friends at their "spot" and saw how they stick together and look out for one another. We didn't have enough main dishes to hand out, but had plenty of bread sticks and snack bags....and they shared. At one point I heard one of them trying to make sure that one of our women friends was able to get some food and a blanket--love how they looked out for her and each other. Their area was cold, dark, wet, dirty and yet they were together as friends and they again were taking care of another. Hard to see several people at a spot and yet its good to know they are together for safety reasons....especially since there are women involved. We after a bit stated that we were going to leave and one of our friends said "Well were going to pray right?"....and to that we said yup.....and asked that they would lead us out in prayer and they did. There was also talk about what we need to do for one of them as they are trying to get all their identification papers in order and the next steps. It is a process and sometimes a slow process, but they seem pretty determined so we are excited to help.

We also talked about how in John 5 there is a story about a man who for 38 years laid close to a pool called Bethesda in Jerusalem. This man laid there for 38 years from his illness along with many others who the Bible says were blind paralyzed, lame etc, and they would wait for the waters to be stirred by a angel. When the angel would do this that meant that whoever would get in the pool would be healed. Jesus one day walks by all these people and to one man asked "Do you want to be made well?" The man answered " Sir I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I'am coming another steps down before me." Jesus then said to him "Rise take up your bed and walk." Immediately the man was made well, took up his bed and walked. We talked about how that Jesus required that man to do something and because he did...he was healed. As we talked about this passage tonight we asked what the lesson was for them...some answered that there cant be any excuses, no more being lazy. Some said that it means we just have to get up and move forward!! We talked about how addiction, anger, hatred, abuse, un-forgiveness, being betrayed etc...can have a huge affect on us but when we just give up and "lay on the side of the road" when we know what the answer is we are in the wrong. Its too easy to make excuses as to why we don't do this or that, or blame others for our shortcomings...but with Jesus He sees where we are at and asks all of us "If we want to made well?" If we do then we stand up and walk with Him no matter what the cost is and know that He will make us well!

Several are in that place right now downtown. Many have been just beaten up emotionally, physically, spiritually and they are TIRED....they have been like that man in the passage....wanting help but still in the same ole cycle year after year. They though have heard Jesus prompting them to get up and many are on the road to healing. Its amazing to see and hear. One woman said tonight that right now its time for her and Jesus and she is going to do whatever it takes to get her life back, to find out who she is and its just her and Jesus!! LOVE IT!!! Thankful people are seeing and Jesus. We have been growing in numbers for those we pick up for church and we need one more driver. Last week we had to lave a few reason is since our van got hit we have lost two seats so we are searching for a new van, and that will give two seats back but we still need one more driver...because we also are picking up women from Charis house!! Love how God is moving.

Hopefully all of you who support this ministry see the fruit coming from your support each week. We are first and foremost sharing the gospel and combating the devils lies to our friends downtown. We are showing Gods love, encouraging them, helping them get off the streets and bringing them to church and that is because we have a great support system so thank you!! Even the picture in this post is from our friend Dave's place. Last year we set up a tree for him and this year he was waiting again for us to help him. Have to say that is the most beautiful tree ever. We loved watching him decorate it, and have to say he did pretty good at keeping the ornaments protected all year long. He is doing it...he is working, paying his bills, giving God time and the credit and he is our family and boy are we blessed to know he is better then when we first met him...he's amazing!!

Thanks to Pathway Community Church,, Grace Summit church, Hamilton church of Christ, Mjs apparel, Auburn Massage and wellness, Amber Gaskill, Lori Williams, Jacquie Aldrich, Castle one for the hot cocoa , Deanna, Randy, Dawson and his friend (sorry forgot name), Claudia Weesner, Renee Eich- Curneal, Denise Helmer, Jennifer Cary Rice, Laura Mock, and all of you who faithfully drop off items each week for us...THANK YOU!!!


Hopefully all of you who support this ministry see the fruit coming from your support each week. We are first and foremost sharing the gospel and combating the devils lies to our friends downtown. We are showing Gods love, encouraging them, helping them get off the streets and bringing them to church and that is because we have a great support system so thank you!! Even the picture in this post is from our friend Dave's place. Last year we set up a tree for him and this year he was waiting again for us to help him. Have to say that is the most beautiful tree ever. We loved watching him decorate it, and have to say he did pretty good at keeping the ornaments protected all year long. He is doing it...he is working, paying his bills, giving God time and the credit and he is our family and boy are we blessed to know he is better then when we first met him...he's amazing!!

Thanks to Pathway Community Church,, Grace Summit church, Hamilton church of Christ, Mjs apparel, Auburn Massage and wellness, Amber Gaskill, Lori Williams, Jacquie Aldrich, Castle one for the hot cocoa , Deanna, Randy, Dawson and his friend (sorry forgot name), Claudia Weesner, Renee Eich- Curneal, Denise Helmer, Jennifer Cary Rice, Laura Mock, and all of you who faithfully drop off items each week for us...THANK YOU!!!


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