friday update
Hello everyone, last night was such an AWESOME evening with some seasoned friends coming to serve and some brand new friends who Totally impacted the evening with some awesome singing and fellowship with our friends on the street in downtown Fort Wayne. I don't want to forget to mention how a total different world and a total different atmosphere blesses each and everyone of us on friday nights. The message and the center of the conversation last night really centered on our walk with Jesus and how the enemy NEVER STOPS trying to come KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY us and our lives and what we need to be doing to always be on the OFFENSE and not the DEFENSE in our walk with our Lord and Savior. I am just going to say it ----- I LOVE YOU JESUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are so grateful for ALL your Forgiveness and Mercy that you pour out to us each and everyday. Thank you all who donate to us and who serve with us on a weekly basis, the Lord has sure blessed us with some awesome friends to serve beside throughout this journey. We will have several new people coming to church with us this coming Sunday and so thankful that they are willing to trust and take a step forward in there walk with Christ. I would like to say "HATS OFF" and a BIG thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, MJS Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness, and ALL of our Volunteers who make this night happen each and every week, couldn't do it without all of you. Remember, ask someone you know or maybe you don't know, to attend church with you this week. " COME FOLLOW ME," JESUS SAID, "AND I WILL SEND YOU OUT TO FISH FOR PEOPLE." Matthew 4:19 NIV
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,