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Blessed Portion Update 10-7-17

1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give reason for the hope that you have but do this with gentleness and respect."

Hello Everyone,

There are Fridays where you drive home and understand even more the love our Father has for His people. Tonight right away we were approached by a woman who was concerned because another woman was talking to her about witchcraft and how it works in her life and how it could possibly work in this other woman's life in a harmful way. Obviously witchcraft is harmful all the way around but for one woman she doesn't feel that way and, she wanted to let the other woman know what could happen to her. The woman approached it as "I am a daughter of the King and I pray the blood of Jesus Christ over me so I am not afraid." We listened to her and reassured her that God is with her and that the name of Jesus Christ is the best weapon she has.

We also talked with a man later in the evening who was at his breaking point. He explained how he struggles with Jesus on one shoulder and a demon on the other. How years ago when he was at his lowest he invited satan and whoever of his helpers to come into his life even after he had been a Christian. He explained his years of getting in trouble, being in prison and how the enemy has always tried to tell him that he needs him, that he can protect him and his family and to be honest he said sin is fun at times. He was nervous in explaining various things he has seen and felt for the fear of not being taken seriously. Fear that we wouldn't believe him, much less maybe know how to help him. He shared how that right before we came tonight he was listening to the song Just be Held by Casting Crowns and felt that God was trying to speak to him about his current situation and give him some direction. Funny thing is before he mentioned that song, our advice to him after hearing about his struggles, the realness of the enemy in his life we told him he needed to just let God hold him, to allow God to help him be still and listen to what He wanted to show him...that's when our friend mentioned the song he had just listened to and saw that as a confirmation.

Once he decided to remain where he is and focus on hearing God and not the current issue at hand is when we talked about how we understand the reality of spiritual warfare, demons and the lies of the enemy. We also talked about our position through being Gods children...that we are seated in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ. That we have the same power that rose Jesus Christ from the dead living inside of us and we certainly have the powerful name of Jesus Christ at our disposal to rid all demonic influence in our lives. He agreed about all of that and wanted our team to pray for him, to pray directly against the powers of satan in his life and even more for one specific named entity in his life to be renounced and gone and we did just that. As our team was praying for this man it was peaceful, holy, calm and amazing. Reading the verse that we are to be able to give a reason of the hope that remains in us, means it may come at a time that isn't the so called right place. It may come at a time when it causes major stretching and the not caring of what others may think of us because they don't understand or believe the same, but doing it anyways. The word says that we are to do all things decently and in order and that what we did...and we backed up what we believe with Godly action.

There are SO many people struggling with issues as we realized even more tonight that they are nervous to talk about. Truly Fridays for us are about giving the reason of the hope that is within us--sharing the gospel and God gives us many opportunities to do so. Just like tonight a man wanted to get baptized. He has talked about it for a few weeks, but felt tonight was the night and so he got baptized. Does he know what baptism means? Yes. Is he a Christ follower? Yes. Does he have things to work on still? Yes. Do you have to be in a church or a ordained minister? No. We all are called to go and make disciple of Jesus Christ, to baptize them in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. We are to walk with them, help them and that's what we do. God is good everyone and He loves all of us.

(Tonight we gave out all we had...we need socks and underwear asap so please think of us as you clean out closets and drawers!!! God bless!)

Thanks to Pathway Community Chruch, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Renee Eich- Curneal, Renee Liechty Kahn, Chris Scheiber, Randy and Cherrilyn Thomas, Mjs Apparel, Mark and Jennifer Lynne Stebing, Sarah Lapadot, Auburn Massage center, Riley, Jacquie Aldrich, Lori Williams, Claudia Weesner,Deb Diller, Dale Bullion, Tracy Hine-Bullion, Stacy and Nina Hagerty, The Old Navy Club

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