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8-11-17 update

Blessed Portion Update for 8-11-17

Ephesians 1:4 "In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will."

Hello Everyone,

Tonight was a blessing.....we started off by seeing our friend Bree who many have been praying for- and she is recovering well. She still has the bullet lodged in her sinus cavity and has some more surgeries coming up but she is alive!!! We asked her what was the take away from all this for her? She said..."To live." To live her life in a new way. To go on vacations, do the things she desires to do.... and she is right. We all need to enjoy our lives more, not take it for granted, spend more time with those we love and not sweat the small stuff. To be able to hug and pray with her tonight was a huge blessing, and we are thankful she is healing.

We had another blessing in that our friend who we met up with last week and took him to the recovery house was still there and is doing great. He and the others were waiting for us in the parking lot as we pulled up and what a blessing it was. Our one friend was quick to tell us he has stopped smoking since he arrived and is SO happy to be there. Thanks to John and Amy Knudson Sobczak and others we were able to leave with them the games of Monopoly, Sorry, Checkers, Chess, So you think your smarter than a fifth grader and the game Tiddly Winks. We had also promised a pumpkin pie, but I had the hardest time finding one so I opted for apple and cherry instead. Funny thing is when we got there with food and desserts for them..they OFFERED US DINNER!! We had a wonderful time of talking, sharing and of course playing checkers to which we lost :) We talked about the possibility of when they are able to have day passes that we would love to pick them for church and that seemed to be a positive thing....hint hint....we will need someone that can have 4-5 seats free when or if this happens.

Thankful tonight that we had clothing items because everything was taken and the bins are again empty so please keep them coming. Thankful we had Little Ceasars pizza from Dino Zurzolo because everyone loved having something different. Thankful that we have volunteers as we have one that offered one our friends a job. Thankful that we have the freedom to talk about our faith, because tonight we did and it was as always a beautiful thing. We talked about the names many of us have been identified with by others.....Stupid, No good for anything, thief, Never will amount to anything, Piece of "garbage:-(not the word he said but do not want to say what the real word was) and illegitimate. We then talked about how when we accept Christ we are adopted...we are in His family and we have a new way.....and new identity. As we then went around the circle and asked again what name they now associate themselves with since they are Christ followers it was....forgiven, redeemed, chosen, free, healed and that WAS AMAZING TO HEAR!!!! Once we ALL change our thinking of who we are based on our position through Christ that's when the healing, freedom and progress is made. THIS is why we go on Fridays. We go to let a broken, sad, beat down, frustrated and tired world know that they are NOT forgotten and can have a new identity from Jesus Christ because that's where real freedom is found.

As we prayed with our friends at Catalpa Street hand in hand in their kitchen you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The song called "Touch The Sky" by Hillsong was playing and the part came on saying "My heart beating, my soul breathing I found my life when I laid it down. Upward falling, spirit soaring I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground." Seeing the men and women from the beginning of the night to ending in that kitchen was beautiful. Hearing and seeing people who lives are getting better and making a little more sense. Hearts are being healed, some are truly surrendering their will over to God. Many are on their knees and are seeing God work in a new way and that makes us again ever so thankful that we GET to do this on Fridays...and it also shows us of the many still needing freedom. Thankfully God is who He is and He provides us with all we need....and this ministry is no different. He is providing for those we serve and all we need to do is show up and love!!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who helps us week after week ---we are a team and we are thankful for all who help---God is on the move friends!!!

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