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Friday Update For 7-3-2021

Hello Everyone-

Tonight we had 80 Big Buster hamburgers, chips, drinks, and a large birthday cake for Marcus and Lance Welborn!!! Marcus had to leave and go to the hospital so he missed the cake, but lance blew out the candles for the both of them. Some think a birthday cake may seem silly for adults, but for our team, we hope every person feels important and the day they came into this world was and is a special day!!

Tonight we met some new people and it's so nice to be able to see them get some food and to just visit and learn more about them. Tonight was also special because we saw an old friend last week as we went to Celebrate Recovery at Pathway Community Church to hear a friend of ours testimony. They were handing out coins for those who celebrating certain milestones...and that's when we saw our old buddy walking up to get his coin. I remember him a couple summers back and Kenneth Billingsleyjr was insistent that he accept Jesus as his Savior--and he did!! Kenneth Billingsleyjr convinced him to give up his knife and make a change in his life. We haven't seen him in over a year but we did at the CR meeting and again tonight as he came down and said hi!! It's so awesome to see friends and to see them doing so well!!!

In light of that point, I want to give a shout-out to Hillary Lamb. She and Kenny came down which was a surprise and such a blessing. We were able to catch up and clearly see that they are doing so good. We also had a friend who is a police officer come down and Hillary and this officer know each other. At one time a few years back this officer came across Hillary when she was pretty low, had been beat up, was in a hot mess in several ways, and made her promise the night he saw her that she come down and see us. He told her she better stop by and see us, he was going to come and check to see if she did come down....she did and so did he!!

Since that time Hillary has made so many changes and tonight she got to see that officer and thank him for caring for her as a person. It was so nice to see that exchange --especially given the state of our world right now and the issues police officers have to face. Our friend truly cares about people, is always willing to help, is a wonderful human being, and police officer. So seeing the three of them connect again in a good way was a blessing and were thankful for both of them!!

So it was a great night. Celebrating birthdays, seeing old and new friends, witnessing the kindness of others and how it can move a person to make a change.....and seeing God in the middle of it all............. all that makes a perfect Friday night!!

Thank you everyone for making our bins stay full lately. We desperately need blankets, book bags, men's t-shirts, underwear, so please consider helping us fill our bins each week!!! We love all of you and are thankful for those of you who are able to come and celebrate a fun concert featuring Todd Allen Herendeen who is doing our fundraiser benefit this Sunday at the Kendallville Learning center. Doors open at 1:00 and the concert starts at 2-4. Tickets are 7.00 at the door and we will have food for 5.00 a plate which is either a sloppy joe or a croissant chicken salad sandwiches, two cookies, chips, and a pop or water. We also have a lot of raffles and silent auction items. Please come out and have some food, music, and a few hours of just being with friends!!

Have a great week everyone and remember to go to church this Sunday and offer to be someone's ride. Maybe even buy them or a coffee afterward...never know it may just change their life forever and just possibly yours as well.


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