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Friday Update

Blessed Portion Friday Night Update 1-11-19

Hello Everyone,

Thankful for our faithful Greek Ladies who again make some amazing chicken and rice and are so faithful to all of us. They always come with smiles and big hearts....thank you so much Jackie Mangas and your team!!!

It was pretty emotional last night for us as we heard some wonderful testimonies of what God is doing in the lives of so many. Heard how people are continuing their sobriety and how jobs are going well. Heard how thankful many are that they have a place to stay at the Rescue Mission. Celebrated a couple birthdays... Christina Scheiber, Keith, and Jeannie. Happy Birthday you three, hoping you have a wonderful year!!

Also had a friend bring us a woman who was clearly in need of shelter. She is 6 1/2 months pregnant and planned on sleeping outside as that was her only option. We were able to secure her a hotel room for what we thought would be two nights, food and some new clothing thanks to my sweet girl Madison Burns. Madison had texted me saying she would come down if I needed her to while we were at The Old Navy Club and so I accepted. She took some of her clothing and brought it down for our new friend who has nothing. She was so happy to get some new clothes she immediately put the new ones on and threw the old away!! thank you Maddie!!

However as of today the two night stay was not needed.... God has a plan.Cathie Humbarger and Nick Reinoehl were thinking the same thoughts as both started getting a hold of me at the same time about a place she could go till Monday. Cathie Humbarger was able to pick up our friend at the hotel and take her to the place we agreed upon and as of a hour ago she is doing great and is happy. The plan is to get her in A Mother's Hope FW and from there she will be in perfect hands as Stasia Roth and her team do wonderful work!!

So.........again thankful for those of you who provide items each week, those of you who support us financially so on those nights when we need to do something right then we can. Thank you to our whole team who sprung into beast mode and made this young woman feel God's love. It's completely devastating to see women who want shelter on a weekend and have no where to go..and by the time we see them its after 7:00 and getting cold in the winter again thank you for helping our newest friend. She will be coming to church with us tomorrow and we are excited to come along side of her and love her!!

Tonight we shared how even though some UNFAIR and UGLY stuff happens to us, we do not have to define ourselves by it or allow it to determine our path in life. When those ugly and completely horrible moments come into our lives that are beyond unfair, we have to remember Jesus loves us and is always willing and available to speak truth to us about who we are in HIM!!! Many have been the victim of sexual assault, betrayal, loss of loved ones, been lied to, manipulated by others, been wrongfully accused or spoken so negatively about. In those again ugly moments we have to allow our minds to go the goodness of God allowing Him to heal our minds, bodies and hearts boldly telling satan he doesn't get the right to define us by the ugly. We have a blood bought right to tell satan that what he meant to harm us with, Jesus Christ will make beauty of those ashes. So many are suffering and or have bought into the lie that they are no good, not good enough, will always be a addict, see themselves as trash and our hope and prayer is that God continues to give us opportunities to call out the lies of the devil out truthing him to those around us...and hopefully last night we were able to do that.

So pray for our friend as she sleeps in a new bed tonight and thank God she trusted all of us last night to take her off the streets. As I write this she has called me 3 times needing a little reassurance and yet she is trusting we are not crazies!!! That is a God thing!!

Thank you to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, MJS Apparel Screen Printing & Embroidery, Auburn Massage & Wellness Centre, Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Mark Stebing,Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing, Amber Gaskill, Cathie Humbarger,Rochelle Bloomfield-Wilson, Christina Scheiber, Michael Jordan, Eric Dunaway, Amanda Chapman Dunaway, Olivia Ghent, Jackie Mangas and her whole crew, Madison Burns, Jacquie Aldrich, Lori baylock, Adrienne Clark Kim Ted Shook, and all of you who give, give and give!!!! Thank you so much and remember to invite someone to church tomorrow....maybe offer to pick them up and buy them lunch or coffee afterwards....never know it may just change their life forever and just possibly yours as well!!!

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