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friday update

Blessed Portion Update 11-16-18

Hello Everyone,

This update is LATE as you noticed so sorry. Had our sons last football game at Indiana Weslyn University which was a win!! Then some goofy virus that does not allow you to keep much in hit the house. Today is better thank goodness!!

So Friday thanks to Hallmark Mortgage- Tracy White and her crew we had turkey pot pies!!! Never had one before but they were a HIT!!! Also had some salad, lots of deserts and a lot of warm and full tummies. Thank you Tracy White, Maria and the rest of you who truly are wonderful people!!!

I will keep this update short, but wanted to at least share one thing that I think for sure hit our teams heart. We have a friend who we have known for a long time and he is silly, definitely his own person, doesn't ask for anything, is a free spirit and always makes us laugh. He was the one who called me the morning Dallas died. He wanted to make sure that I knew right away. We talked a lot about Dallas Friday and how we both we miss him, how he just made things better. Talked about how even under the bridge it was always clean when he was around. Dallas did not like his surroundings dirty at all. It was nice to share how we miss Dallas together. We then talked about how he is always welcome to come to church with us and invited him again. He said that he would which was super!!

As we were leaving to head home we asked him what we could pray for him about and his answer was "That God never stops leaving me alone." I think for him it was that he hoped God would continue to pursue him--to never give up on him.

Everyone has junk for sure and thankfully God never stops pursuing us. Sometimes though I think with all the cares of this life, painful memories, broken dreams, financial hardships, death and can start to wonder if God has stopped being there. And then there are those times when we know we are not pursuing God and it brings conviction...and somehow we can even hope that in our rebellion He still doesn't stop pursuing us....and again He is faithful.

So our friend came to church this past Sunday and said he will be back. God is ever pursuing all of us and for our friend I know he sees it. So our prayer will be a long standing prayer for all those we serve.

Tonight even more showed us that while we do help with tangible items, and point people to recovery, that the spiritual element is always top priority. For our friend God will if allowed bring him healing, some hope and just maybe the surrender needed to help with other issues he is facing....and above all our prayer is that he will always know he is loved, valued and worth it!!!

Thanks to Ellie Chamberlin, Amanda Chapman Dunaway, Rochelle Bloomfield-Wilson, Tracy White, Maria, Jacquie Aldrich, Kristy Stemen,Laura Mock, Claudia Wessner, Michael Jordan, Christina Scheiber, Grace Summit Church, Pathway Community Church, Mjs Apparel, Auburn Massage and Wellness, Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Mark Stebing, Jennifer Lynne Diederich Stebing, Cherrilyn Thomas, Sharon Ringenberg, Jo Anne 'Habegger' Emerick, Dennis Brown, and all of you who drop off items that I do not know ....thankyou!!!! We sure appreciate every item we receive and its so needed!!!

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