Christmas 2018
Blessed Portion Christmas 2018 List
Hello Everyone--
I know its not yet Thanksgiving, but we want to at least get this out there for you to be thinking of what you possibly can do for another year of giving Christmas to our friends. Last year we made 60 additional bags because we took some to The Grant County Mission in Marion Indiana. We have been invited to their Christmas party on the 19th of December this year so we will be making 220 bags again this year. Please let us know any items you will be able to donate to and we will keep a running tally. The bags will be made on the 18th and given out the Friday before Christmas and we will be going to the Grant County Mission on the 19th.
1. We will be giving out 6 homemade cookies to each person so we will need 110 dozen homemade cookies. 2. 220 chap sticks 3. 220 packs of gum 4. 220 packs of tissues 5. 220 socks- already donated 6. 220 small bags of cough drops 7. Would love to give everyone 7 packs of hand warmers- need 1540 to make that happen 8. 220 small summer sausages 9. 220 candy canes 10. 220 word search books 11.220 pens 12. 220 5.00 fast food gift cards- already done but can use more if we get more 13. 220 small flashlights 14. 220 fruit snacks--or more if possible 15. 220 packets of ritz crackers- more if possible 16. 220 rice krispie treats- more if possible 17. 220 boxes of raisins 18. 220 fruit cups- more if possible 19. 220 granola bars--more if possible 20. 220 fingernail clippers 21. 220 flavored water packets- more if possible 22. 220 or as much as we can get of homemade Christmas cards made by little Christ followers. 23. LOTS OF CHRISTMAS CANDY
Basically we need anything food wise we can get to add to these bags. Just want to make sure the items are all the same and equal in number. So if you have something in mind that isn't on this list just let me know and we will gladly accept it and add to it the right amount to equal 220. If there is anything else you think would make a good donation item (not food related) let us know and we will add it.
For the Grant County Bags:

We would like to add a large shampoo, a large conditioner (for the women) razors, body wash, shower scrunchies(for women), lotion, nail files, hair ties, brushes, combs, deodorant, maybe some makeup(women).... I cannot give you a number tonight on how many women. but will this week for sure and will list also the ages of the kids the women have with them as well. The Mission there usually has about 29 men and maybe 12 women so we want to give them some large hygiene items since there are not that many there.
Thank you very much for helping us again this year help make Christmas a little nicer for those we serve.