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friday update

Blessed Portion Update for 8-24-18

Hello Everyone--

Been a hard week for all who serve our friends.... since Dallas' passing we have lost 5 more. One friend has had severe health issues for a few years now and he is now no longer living in a diseased body which is a blessing but he will still be missed. Our other friends have tragically lost their lives and trust me when I say everyone is completely in shock about all of this. Been a rough week for our city and family members.

At our first stop we met a new man who came and introduced himself explaining how he needed help. He stated that he wanted off the streets but has a alcohol addiction. Some members of our team took him to the Rescue Mission hoping he would be able to get in right away. Found out that his alcohol level was SUPER HIGH!!! Have no idea how this man was even functioning at the level of alcohol he had. He was then sent to St Joe Hospital to detox and hopefully will return to the Mission when he is sober. Also had to say goodbye to a friend who is getting a fresh start in Ohio. He has secured a apartment and is excited to move forward. He will be missed but he will be off the streets, safe and we told him he will always have friends here.

Talked with another man who stated he is ready to get off the streets....he gets enough money but for whatever reason doesn't seem to make shelter a priority...he now though is ready for a change. Rochelle got him some information about his next steps so were hoping that all comes together.

One friend needed some shoes as he was only wearing flip flops so our volunteer Rob decided to take his own shoes off and offer them to him. He was thankful for them and we are thankful for Rob!!! That's what its all about right?

At the next stops we saw our friends who were baptized last Sunday and they were beaming from ear to ear. Thankful they had the opportunity to be baptized and they are everyday walking closer and closer with Jesus. One friend we talked to shared how he has a close friend who is losing his battle with a disease and how difficult this up coming week will be as his friend most likely will not make it. Another friend shared how that he has been very suicidal, feels hopeless and is hoping to find some healing and peace at the Mission. Another friend shared how powerful forgiveness is. He shared how he has had trouble forgiving a family member and that it has been literally chains on that once he chose to forgive he is now peaceful, happier and most off all free!!! Love hearing stories like that because it brings God glory and inspires others to walk in forgiveness.

Met a new man as we ended the night at a few stops. He is new to Fort Wayne and seems like a pleasant man. Didn't really need too much as he had a few we left him with some pizza, blankets and water. He said that he is hoping he wont see us next week as he hopes to start a job he is inquiring about and we pray he gets it.

So tonight was hard as we mourn and grieve so many friends we will not be seeing each week. Some friends we have known from the beginning will lose their life on the streets because they do not know how to do anything else. Some are so far in their addiction that recovery seems completely out of the picture for them. One friend we met with tonight is still in the depths of grieve and anger from Dallas being gone and cannot even begin the road to recovery for himself. So we love them, encourage them to do what is needed and we pray for them. We thank God for those who are moving forward and getting off the streets and pray for those who remain that they will seek help. You certainly cannot make anyone do something they are ready to do for themselves....with so many lives being gone this week were hoping many now see the reality of life on the street is not so great and make a change.

Thank you to those of you who make each week happen with donations. We emptied every bin tonight, all the socks, underwear, a tent, blankets and snack bags. We took time to pray with several one on one and that always is a blessing. Please continue to pray for us, pray for those on the street, pray for more drivers for church on Sundays, pray for the leaders of The Rescue Mission, Salvation Army and many recovery houses here in Fort Wayne as they help those who are needing change.

Thanks also to Pathway Community Church, Grace Summit Church, Hamilton Church of Christ, Garrett Baptist Church, Sara Sarah Bigelow Lapadot, Auburn Massage and Wellness, Mjs Apparel, Jennifer Lynne Stebing, Mark Stebing, Traci and Dale Bullion, Nick Reinoehl, Rochelle Bloomfield-Wilson, Toby, Christina Scheiber, Michael Jordan, Kim Ted Shook, Sasha Gravante, Rob and Brenda Wigginton, Scott Wright, Bonn and Lubna Chowdry Popp, John, Sharon Ringenberg, Shelley Stevens-Pilkay, Rick, Dennis Brown, Jo Anne 'Habegger' Emerick, and all of you who drop off items each week.

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